《虚实之间:军团崛起 SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising》中文版百度云迅雷下载终极版


《虚实之间:军团崛起 SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising》是一款rogue-lite的射击游戏。在游戏中世界正被机器肆虐,玩家需要从第一层开始战斗,击倒源源不绝的机器军队。从游戏中你可感受到不同级别的枪战,你可通过实验研究强力的物品和修改器来强化自己。你有信心能打败位于顶层的「末日之心」吗?



> 掌握SYNTHETIK独特的拆卸弹匣及动态装弹的奖励系统!> 武器会堵塞及过热,请密切留意武器的热量以免因武器过热而烧伤自己!
> 掌握因移动而受影响的后坐力系统,以及切换不同类型弹药的功能!
> 可享受武器独特的操作,以及精准射击及武器熟练度所带来的奖励!
> 我们甚至是众多上方游戏视角的射击游戏中首个带来爆头效果的游戏
你可从8种独特且可定制的角色专业范畴中选择你的专业范畴 – 角色有防暴警察、爆破专家、狙击手、刺客、劫掠者、重型炮手、工程师及毁坏者,每个角色有其专属的武器、装备、优势及技能加点。即使你死亡,你也不会失去你已解锁的角色

操作系统: Windows XP SP3, Vista or higher
处理器: Intel Celeron G1820 2.7 GHz / AMD FX 8320 3.5 GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: GeForce GTX 460, Radeon HD 5770, 768 MB Vram
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 600 MB 可用空间
操作系统: Windows XP SP3, Vista or higher
处理器: Intel Core i3-4160 3.6 GHz / AMD QC A8-7670K 3.6GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: GeForce GTX 560+ Series, Radeon R9 270+
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 600 MB 可用空间






重大更新 来自:SYNTHETIK 已发布 12月17日周四 SYNTHETIK ULTIMATE is live!

The ULTIMATE EDITION update is now live!
This update includes a lot of new content, enhanced story features, improvements to core gameplay systems and balancing, and much more. Even if you’re played a whole lot already, the Balance changes alone, should shake things up considerably!


We also finally launched on Switch and Xbox One! (Playstation is TBA) So grab your copy!

Remember to be in our newsletter on Synthetikgame.com
to not miss out on our upcoming games! Onto the new features:

NEW – Story Intro scene
NEW – Outtro scene
NEW – Boss Dialogs

We added a new story intro scene which finally explains the backstory a bit, a outtro when beating the new Armageddon room and Bosses sometimes also will have some dialog (Singleplayer only)!

NEW – Armageddon Final Fight
NEW – Armageddon Shard Loop Mechanic

The Last Defender now finally has something to guard; the Armageddon Room.
Face a last onslaught of the Red Guard while trying to override the Heart of Armageddon!

Beating the Last Defender will still count as a win for class challenges, but to get into loop, you will now have to beat the Armageddon Chamber and override the sequence in time before things go dark.

The Armageddon Chamber also Introduces a new mechanic with the Armageddon Shard,
the Shard is introduced for playerd who want the game to end soon and feel like they had enough of their often 40-60minute run. Picking up the Shard will give you strong power but kill you after 3 more rooms, ending the game. Players who want to keep trying in the loop should leave the shard.

NEW – Conveyor Belt Boss Encounter

The Belt room offers a difficult new boss-like challenge, sometimes appearing after the second floor!
Face a dangerous onslaught of enemies on conveyor belts with changing directions!
We will see about further tuning after more player feedback.

NEW – Rare Enemy Squad spawns

Similar to everyone’s favourite loot vacuum cleaner bot or the minitank, rare enemy squads can now spawn in normal rooms in occasions near turrets, usually in squads of 2 or 3, for some extra challenge. Their rank is increased based on difficulty and grant high exp and credits, but can also be avoided if the environment allows it.

  • NEW – Riotshield Medic Squad
  • NEW – Sniper Black Squad
  • NEW – Special Elite Shotgunner Squad
  • NEW – Railgunner Squad
  • Combat Engineer Squad (If owning arena upgrade)
  • Psyonic Squad (If owning arena upgrade)
  • More new rare enemy types!
  • NEW – Ballmedic (Spawns instead of riotshield medic)
  • NEW – Gatling Glider (Spawns in vehicle areas)
  • ‘NEW’ – Minitank (it got lost in a patch)
  • Added notification when minitank, Treasureba or squads spawn

These new enemies and squads will spice things up and add some intensity spikes.
Additionally Elite enemies and rare enemies now will show their names so you know
who nuked you out of the game ; P

NEW – Alchemy Synergy Terminal

One big new terminal has been added, the Alchemy shop! It can randomly occur, offering new items with designs based around synergy with other items. This should definitely shake some things up and allow even more crazy builds! A shop will always offer a choice of 3-4 each given time.

Inventor’s loot-table
  • New Item: Orbital Relay
  • New Item: Missile Control
  • New Item: Trapper’s Teleporter
  • New Item: Shield Link
  • New Item: Underbarrel Chip
  • New Item: Energy Link


Alchemist’s loot-table
  • New Item: Lifeblood
  • New Item: Shaker
  • New Item: Elemental Resonance
  • New Item: Fire Fury
  • New Item: Nitroglycerine
  • New Icon: Refresher

Per example, Trapper’s Teleporter can spawn your trap items like Bear trap, Psy Field, even C4 and Neutrino bombs on enemies! Nitroglycerine can trigger explosions upon explosions, Shaker grants one charge to all charge based items and more fun awaits!

The alchemy synergy shops have a 15% chance to spawn per room after the first floor, max 2 per run and items cost less than other items of similar rarity. It will always have one of the two loot tables, with around 4 items to choose from.

NEW – Ghetto Blasters

Some new music tracks have been added!
You can now find Ghetto Blasters in-game which play one new music track upon usage:

  • NEW – 3 New Goa tracks (12 min total)
  • NEW – 2 New Cyberpunk tracks
  • NEW – 2 New Synthwave tracks (Main menu & Outro)

Some UI improvements have been implemented, most notably the new tooltip, the new enemy names and the new Progress menu will increase polish a nice bit.

  • NEW – Room Progress Overlay Menu – Shows level progression after a boss fight
  • NEW – Tooltips – Tooltip rework with added icons and more polish
  • NEW – Health bars now show a additional damage effect & show healing of smaller thresholds
  • NEW – Plating now shows an plating effect when shot or gained (again)
  • NEW – Death statistics now shows weapon attachments
  • NEW – Rare Enemies and Elite enemies will now show their names!
  • Clicking the Challenge Perk will cycle to the Insanity or Default Challenge
  • Chatbox will no longer block weapon firing
  • Improved varied controller gameplay elements


Item Auto Triggers:

Certain items that require button presses now auto trigger on shots when not used for a longer duration. This seems a good solution to keep the manual usage but reduce required micromanagement

  • Kunai Throwing Knives (10s)
  • Tomahawk (25s)
  • Mass Shotgun system (35s)
  • Dragons Masterkey (35s)
  • Laser Mines, Stun, Acid mines now auto plants like Bear Traps when full charges
  • C4 now also auto plants when at full charges but only outfight, now has 2 charges


Attachment Update:

Attachments had a balance pass and some new attachments have been added!
Attachment changes are outlined in the balancing section further below.

  • NEW Attachment – Angled Grip
  • NEW Rare Attachment – Titanium Eternium Rifling
  • NEW Rare Attachment – Custom Fitting
  • NEW Rare Attachment – Unstable Randomizer



A bunch of Steam achievements have been added!
Due to a backend error they seem to not be live yet but will be rolled out in the next day.

NEW – Create, import and share new weapons!

(PC Only) Tons of stats are available to be changed, you can add new sounds and new weapon images
The only thing off limits are some perks the existing weapons have, but even without, there are many variables from our uniquely deep weapon system to play with.

The best part: Making your own weapon is extremely easy, everyone can do it!
It mostly relies on opening a text file and changing some numbers and pressing save,
No convoluted downloads, editors or strange installs. To make a good new weapon you should try to make a new weapon image and at least look for a new firing sound but it is not required.

NEW – Make your own weapons with extreme ease! Anyone can do it!
NEW – Share and download fanmade weapons over our modding channel!
Up to 10 modded weapon slots active simultaneously at the moment
(you can store infinite on your PC of course for easy swapping out)
Locally saved modded weapons of course can’t work in coop.

Quick Modding Instructions:

30 second modding tutorial – its that easy!

  • 1. Open your savedata location, C:UsersYOURUSERNAMEAppDataLocalSynthetik
  • 2. Open the folder “Modweapon0”
  • 3. Open the weaponbalancing.sav with the Editor
  • 4. Change the balancing, follow the instructions for adding sound and image, save file
  • 5. Go ingame and search for “Mod weapon” in weapon database, upvote with token
  • 6. Enter firing range through menu near the logo, buy weapon from shop to test
  • 7. You can keep changing things and rebuy the weapon for quick iteration
  • 8. To use your 10 slots, put other weapons into new folders “Modweapon1”,2,3,4 etc

More instructions can be found inside the weaponbalancing text file.
For an image you can simply put a new .PNG in the folder, same for sounds. It will never get easier than this! It’s actually much faster than how we created our own weapons..

Weapon Sound Creation Tips:
Download Audacity for free. Find or make your own sounds like from freesound.org, edit as you like (or don’t), and then export them as .ogg from Audacity and put them in the folder with the correct naming as written in the weapon balancing file.

Weapon Image Creation Tips:
You can download GIMP or Photoshop CS2 for free if you don’t have access for Photoshop, look up a tutorial for cropping, and that is all you need to create weapon images. You can also mix together images from existing Synthetik weapons. Export as 425×125 PNG, and put it in the folder. That’s all you need!

Balancing & Cheating:
While making overpowered weapons is briefly fun, give it a try to make something that is cool but balanced within the game and has room to scale up with the upgrades. Picking up a modded weapon right now will skip the new armageddon room and achievements, and give a small increase in terror level, you will see a “Cheat debuff”. More blatantly overpowered weapons will give a stronger “Cheat” debuff with more downsides, so there is more incentive to make something plausible. If the community mostly shares ‘balanced’ weapons, we will consider removing these debuffs but in general this is a complicated and nearly unsolvable issue.

We will keep an eye on what people do with it and adjust accordingly, but don’t worry too much about it, have fun!

A firing range mode has been added! Enter by clicking the button next to the game logo in the main menu. You can test your modded weapons or simply try get a good score on the target dummies!

Some weapon shops litter around in the firing range to test tokened weapons or your new
mod creations!

Here begins the Balancing part of Update 26: Ultimate
Many things have been adjusted, overpowered items have been toned down and more things are being made viable. Overall we felt things had been in a good state but will definitely shake up some preconceptions and coupled with the synergy items will allow for even more builds!

Variant Balance:
  • C-Charged variant crit chance 8 > 15%
  • Prototype firerate and heat negatives from 15 > 10%
  • Kaida Elite now also reduces deviation by 3
  • Taiga Hunter damage increased by 5, now cools down 20% faster
Attachment Balance:
  • Multiplier icon and name changed, multiplier icon used for randomizer
  • Multiplier now reduces heat by 20%
  • Super Heavy compound damage bonus from 40 > 50%
  • Impact CPU turret damage increased by 25%
  • Cranial CPU now reduces damage by 15% instead of 30%
  • Eternium further reduces speed and gives more extreme stats
  • Tri-Bolt Carrier damage and firerate reduction reduced 0.7 > 0.75 = Better
  • Spreader now also grants 25 move speed
  • Hair Trigger damage bonus on semi-auto from 20 to 30%
  • Caliber reduction from -15% damage to -10%
  • Reload Vent heat reduction increased from 10% > 15%
  • Tri-Bolt carrier now doubles damage on laser cannon instead of doing nothing
  • Hyper accelerator deals a bit less damage in case it adds full penetration

Weapon Balance:

  • Super 90 now properly uses the last shot crit instead of 60% more damage on last shot
  • (Nets around a 10% damage increase at 4 magsize with 200% crit damage)
  • Last Breath damage from 1.55 to 1.6, recoil from 60 to 55
  • Desert Eagle and Titanium Eagle recoil reset speed from 0.85 to 0.95 (Buff)
  • Kaida Laser Pistol maximum recoil from 50 to 45
  • Armageddon now uses 5.56 > 8.8mm armor piercing type ammunition
  • RPK Tundra damage from 1.05 to 1.15
  • Type 89 Tokko rubber grenade chance 7 > 10%
  • Type 89 Tokko damage from 1.1 to 1.2 (also benefits from AP headshot increase)
  • Gladiator Gatling movement speed reduction from 150 > 100, Heat firerate 2 > 2.5
  • Gladiator Gatling ammo regeneration rate 1.5 > 3, delay from 1.5 to 0.5
  • Laser SUB firerate slightly reduced, now gives half in loop
  • Laser SUB now gives half the shield but is multiplied by difficulty percent
  • Raptor SG and Battle Hymn essentially have 10 more armor pen given the ammo change
  • Tactical observer firerate scaling reduced 0.4% > 0.25%, base firerate increased
  • Twin Mill boss scaling reduced, 15>10%, 6 > 5 recoil
  • AKS-74U new firing sound, damage from 1.05 > 1.12, ammo gain from 45 > 55
  • Pressurized impaler recoil reset from 0.8 > 0.9
  • M32 reload speed reduced noticeably
  • AMD65 recoil reset improved by around 10%, also benefits from better AP ammo HS bonus
  • RRX Coil Shotgun is now Epic tier due to strong overperformance
  • KSG 2000 is now Rare tier, damage from 1.25 to 1.1, magsize from 16 to 12, deviation strongly reduced
  • M75 Heavy support now charges double as fast when below 1 charge and loses charges 20% slower
  • M75 Heavy support now has 8 magsize and is dual burst
  • (Experimental) M75 now gives 200 shield per second when removing the charges by moving and above 0.75
  • Scar Laser Socom ammo gain from 40 > 50
  • AS VAL damage from 0.95 to 1.1, ammo gain 30 > 40, +25% HS bonus
  • FMG9 Medic rarity to uncommon, halved regen, regen is now multiplied by difficulty
  • Sour DMR recoil reset from 2.5 to 3, damage from 1.75 to 1.85, Headshot bonus unchanged
  • R5000 DMR damage from 1.25 to 1.35
  • Yoko Lagann damage increased by 10%, now counts as launcher for demolisher
  • Yoko Lagann now grants 7 armor when held or when in backpack to reduce risk
  • GM6 Lynx and GM6 Lynx critical damage bonus from 20 > 30%, damage increased 15%
  • A5C Test Version Firerate increased, cooling from 1.5 > 1.4
  • Tuned M14 headshot damage bonus +25%
  • Viciator ultra heat from 0.9 > 0.8, firerate heavily increased, damage from 1.45 to 1.4
  • Road Warrior heat from 0.65 to 0.8, max ammo from 34 to 30
  • AEK Special Elite elite kill heal reduced from 100 to 60
  • Laser cannon magsize from 18 to 20, ammo gain from 30 to 20, Firerate slightly reduced
  • Ion Obliterator now deals 225 > 200% headshot damage as described in Ion
  • Annihilator ANH-6 damage from 1.4 > 1.2
  • MAG47 Heavy MG now reduces overheat damage by 33%, magsize from 75 to 85, benefits from AP Headshot bonus, fixed seemingly infinite stacking of damage resistance
  • M79 damage from 2.2 to 2.6
  • Ares GL damage from 1.4 to 1.5, reload speed from 2 to 1.75
  • Laser shotgun and Battle hymn now count as shotgun and laser
  • Nailgun damage from 0.97 to 1.05
Item Changes:
  • Unidentified Potion healing from 30+5*Power > 35+5*Power, poison and dazing duration reduced
  • Methadone damage resistance from 65+5 to 45+5
  • Both masterkey items pellet damage increased by 50
  • Both Flare items range from 700 to 800
  • Both ammo packs cast time from 1.2 to 0.7
  • Tsunami Talisman is now Epic rarity
  • Rosarius recycling bonus is now +100 max shield again
  • Powershot damage bonus reduced to 66%
  • Decoy cooldown reduced from 30 to 18
  • Power array now gains 3 > 2 charges per second, kill charges unchanged
  • Neutrino Bomb explosion amount from 4 to 6, timer from 3 to 2.5
  • Twin Link ll duration from 1.25 to 1, Rarity increased to uncommon
  • Beamer DPS increased by 40, speed increased by 50
  • Heat Spreader now passively grants 10% weapon cooling
  • Hyperfeed now reduces heat instantly by 15, and 10 > 20 per second while running
  • Shock Impulse base damage from 0.5+0.2 to 0.4+0.1, cooldown from 4 to 5
  • Refractor Crystal cooldown 70 > 80
  • Psy Field range from 160 to 185
  • Stinger Glider hp scaling 1.5+0.5 > 1.5+0.4
  • Fangs of Mordigan health power scaling from 0.5+0.5 to 0.75+0.25
  • Divine reconstructor recycling bonus changed to +250 HP, now also grants +250 on activation
  • Bloodrite damage increased 50%, range from 1500 to 1000
  • Redline speed 200 > 250
  • Facemelter headshot damage multiplier + 20%, CD decreased by 2
  • Plasma grenade now deals 100 more damage and properly alerts enemies
  • Infinity drill now has 100 armor pen, can hit 8 > 14 times, cooldown 13 > 16
  • Fangs of Mordigan now halves the max health gain above 50 stacks
  • GPS and Black Market Teleporter are now in the mystery loot table
  • Mystery Crate loot table no longer gives vial pickups but can drop a Health vial or Chaos Potion
Guardian Modules Changes:
  • Aegis MK5 heat requirement from 35 to 30
  • Into Battle effect lingers longer
  • Fortify position starting ammo 30 > 40%
  • Shield overclock 150 > 125, Shield Powerup duration 5 > 10
  • Bits and pieces now grants the bonus for twice the duration at first application
  • Push forward 40 > 30% speed
  • Shielded nerfed hard
Rogue Modules Changes:
  • Keeping Distance firerate from 25% > 30%
  • Power Tuning weapon heat decreased 20 > 10
  • Evasive Maneuvers dodge from 10 > 5
Commando Modules Changes:
  • Weapon drop now also drops an upgrade kit
  • Weapon drop now occurs after 50 > 35 kills
  • Hold breath now charges up faster
  • Routine stacks set from 8 to 15, effect halved (nerf)
  • Heavy gunner healing passive on shots is now affected by lifesteal modifiers such as Scarred
  • Scarred now works below 50 shield
  • Specialized ammo from 35% to 40% critical damage
Specialist Modules Changes:
  • Well oiled now continues giving the cooldown chance when at max stacks
  • Unceasing from 30% to 25%
  • Sun rising stack amount from 40 to 30, effect amount doubled
  • Calculated damage bonus from 25% > 30%

Classes are generally considered in a good state, as such not many changes are done here.
Demolisher max damage taken from 450 > 600
Breacher Item cooldown reduction (lvl15) reduced 5 > 2.5 as this was more supposed to be a small bonus to the movement speed, not make him an amazing item user in addition to strong damage and tankiness.
Some very minor tweaks and fixes have been done.

  • Enemy sniper bullets (Sniper, Redguard Nemesis) are now armor piercing, not anti material (75 > 30AP)
  • They also properly have 100% > 75% shield damage, damage increased by 50 (overall nerf)
  • Sniper turret also deals 100% > 75% shield damage, stays anti material however (75 AP), damage +100
  • APC Boss now deals damage when you stand inside it
  • Disco floor time before fields start to deal damage from 1.5 to 2.5


Ammo Types & Ammo Types Consistency:

These changes aim to help certain weapons / types but also push a bit forward to the future ammo design for the Franchise

Armor Piercing Technology Type ammo now gains 25 > 50% bonus headshot damage
“Armor Piercing” Ammo variants for 9mm, 5.56 Ballistic Type ammo is being reworked and changed into critical chance ammo, now granting 10% increased critical chance in addition to better unit penetration damage. Renamed “Sharp Tip”
It makes no sense for ammo piercing ammo to exist for non armor piercing ammo, this is more of a leftover and makes things less weird but still not perfect
Keep in mind the Tooltip is not localized yet outside english

Shotgun Laser Ammo and Yellow Laser ammo now has the same penetration as default laser
This is a noticeable buff for Laser shotguns and M75
Plasma ammo now deals 20> 30% shield damage (a 50% increase) and around 8% more damage
Buckshot and Dragons breath deal slightly less enemy penetration damage, 0.5 > 0.4

HiggsHigs Particle cannon ammo now counts as Ion and is changed to Ion effect
This means the base projectile is much stronger but the AOE is noticeably weaker, Ion weapons are intended as heavy armor piercing single target nukes and should not overlap with the role of explosive by having perfect AOE with no falloff and downsides. Particle cannon was also just great at everything

Dumbfire missiles now deal 25% more damage than other missiles to make them a potential alternative
Psyonic ammo now has basic 15 armor pen

Acid ammo now only loses 50 > 35% damage on the acid proccs
(other shots are normal – Acid arrows still work differently)
Acid damage increased by around 200%
Acid was too weak given its very slow timing, but now it should have a role in niche situations on high health enemies, especially given it is very easy to keep it running, allowing even weapon switching in between

Negative Status effects:

  • Each bosskill increases the maximum damage potential of the over-time effects by 15%
  • Acid tick damage cap from 400 to 600 DPS
  • Fire damage cap from 400 to 500 DPS
  • Bleeding damage cap from 400 to 500 DPS
  • Bleeding damage strongly increased on 5.56, 7.62 and 8.8mm and Nail ammo
  • Bleeding now visually ticks faster
  • Hyper adrenaline cost from 150 to 100, overheat damage reduced by 70%
  • Overheat damage % reduced from 10 to 15 as it was not accounting damage resi scaling
  • Tactical mode boss damage bonus from 35 to 50% (easier)
  • Varied minor changes / fixes
  • Fixed suggested localization lines from the discord localization channel
  • Replaced headline font due to missing characters on varied Languages
  • Adjusted Headline font alignment on varied Languages
  • APC Boss now deals damage if you stand inside
  • You can no longer instantly destroy the server hack event
Engine Upgrade, Bugfixes & Bugs
  • NEW – Automatic Crashlog uploading
  • Crashes to desktop will now automatically upload the crashlog to us upon restart, making
  • it far easier to catch crash issues.

