《丛林地狱/绿色地狱 Green Hell》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.9.1


《绿色地狱 Green Hell》是一款开放世界生存模拟器,你被扔进了葱郁而莫测的亚马逊雨林之中。 这是绿色的地狱。你的目标就是发挥真正的本能之力,使出千方百计在这梦魇般的深林中生存下来,并最终逃出生天。你的手边只有一台无线电收发装置可供使用。在这片无边无际、荒无人迹的丛林之中,你将跟随着所爱之人的熟悉声音,一点一点地揭开陷入此绝境的原因。为了生存,你进行了艰难而残酷的斗争;然而,最终的真相却比这还要残酷。



• 使用真正的生存技术(包括生火、搭建营地、设置动物陷阱)
• 寻找材料并制作为有助于生存的物品(包括武器和工具)
• 食物来源(狩猎、采摘)
• 伤口、疾病和其他伤害的治疗(视情况而定)
《Green Hell》的故事侧重于呈现极端生存环境下的心理状态。孤立无援的玩家面对着残酷无情的环境,每天都得为了多活一天而拼力奋战。玩家不只要与环境作斗争,更得全力保持理智。你能成功吗?抑或会坠入精神崩溃的深渊?为了揭开真相,玩家将不得不面对迄今为止最为艰难的一场战役:他们必须与自己、自身的弱点以及恐惧作斗争。
• 撷取部分亚马逊雨林作为游戏世界的地图
• 丰富的植物和多样的动物种类(哺乳动物、爬行动物、鸟类和昆虫)
• 模拟动物的自然状态和行为
• 根据天气而发生动态变化的环境
在如此极端的环境中,要想生存,就必须得有坚强的意志力,否则就只有发狂和死亡两条绝路。在《Green Hell》中,你的身与心的健康紧密相关。身体检查模式允许玩家进行自我诊断和自我疗愈。在这个模式中,玩家还可清除所有打算在其身体上安营扎寨的寄生虫。
• 心理状态
• 身体状况

• 背景:危险致命却美不胜收的亚马逊雨林
• 身体检查模式
• 众多的动植物群和危险正等着玩家来发现
• 环境和情境会影响玩家的心理
• 环境变化对生态系统的影响
• 引人入胜的故事
• 动态变化的环境

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
处理器: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: GeForce GTX 660, Radeon RX 460 or equivalent with 2 GB of video RAM
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
声卡: DirectX compatible
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
处理器: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: GeForce 970, Radeon RX 580 or equivalent with 4GB of video RAM
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
声卡: DirectX compatible






定期更新 来自:Green Hell 已发布 12月15日周二 Regrowing Trees Update

Hey everyone.

Regrowing Trees Update: V.1.9.1 is live now!

Regrowing Trees Update is live! #teamtrees! We would like to thank you all for your support, bug reports and feedbacks.

We know you are all waiting for The Spirits of Amazonia, we are doing our best and are working hard to make it available for you as soon as possible, but quality is most important! We really appreciate your patience! Stay tuned!

  • Random crashes during gameplay when Asus Aura Sync is enabled
  • Player can spawn under the map after using the Elevator in Story mode(added a precaution spawning Player on terrain if they fall under it)
  • Player can freeze when drinking water from puddles/river via expand menu in quick access when holding a Weapon
  • Player can get stuck in pass out if they wash themselves on low condition
  • Player may keep moving forwards and fall down if opening wheel menu at the start of elevator ride
  • Player freezes while harvesting if co-op destroys the same item
  • Placing an item into a construction slot that is under the storage box irrevocably blocks that slot
  • Attempting to place constructions when rapidly attempting to open notepad can crash the game
  • Error when cutting down a fully-grown Brazil nut tree planted in a large planting box
  • Error when plowing a large growing box after cutting down a Brazil nut tree that was grown in it
  • Host cannot respawn when alone in multiplayer game
  • Host cannot save and quit when alone in session
  • Respawn point does not update in Beds if the Player is alone in the Multiplayer session
  • Spears disappear when thrown at Hunters
  • Sanity Hunter can damage sane co-op when shooting arrows
  • Items in construction slots become small
  • Spilling uncooked soup then trying to cook water in the same container results in soup being cooked
  • Spamming ‘Wake up’ option when sleeping comfortably gives player Sanity every time
  • Water filter and Bamboo water filter doesn’t collect rain water if placed on a roof
  • Cocona_seeds on the ground are invisible unless the player crouches
  • Improper audio for walking on several objects
  • Pause menu stats are overlapping with their values in some languages
  • Some items have wrong position in cooking slots on mud fireside wall built on bamboo wall
  • Maggots have different scale when placed into cooking slots
  • Bow Trap doesn’t have precise collision
  • Items that break to smaller items have improper sound when hit
  • Wood resin stacks in improper position
  • Meat placed on upper dryer slots should be hanging down
  • Small fishes and fish meats are hard to take off from Smoker
  • Malanga bulb model does not fit grill rack
  • Some items do not fit in the cooking slots visually
  • Dryer has Bone Needle instead of Bone Hook in it’s ghost and Notebook recipe
  • Soup made of multiple items in pot look like water
  • Soup made of multiple items in Turtle Shell or Bowl tur yellowish at the start of cooking process
  • Liquid containers are placed too far from wooden water filter
  • Dripping Water in Bamboo_Water_Filter and Water_Filter is in wrong place
  • Meat soups turn yellow instantly after putting the meat into Pot/Shell/Bowl with water
  • Eggs are placed in wrong position in cooking slot
  • Weapon placement on weapon rack is inconsistent
  • Crab impaled on a certain spears is shown in a wrong angle
  • Water visually disappears from bowls when a soup item is placed inside
  • Microwave LODs other than LOD0 are always closed
  • Short Walls are not destroyed after breaking Short Mud Wall
  • Missing footsteps/jump sounds for several objects
  • Charcoal lying on the ground in Cartel and Harbor is huge
  • Adding mud or ash to mud mixer has wood audio
  • Sound of Microwave open/close is hearable in the whole game world
  • Microwave opening sound is same as closing sound

See you in Green Hell!
