《虚实之间:军团崛起 SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising》中文版百度云迅雷下载v38


《虚实之间:军团崛起 SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising》是一款rogue-lite的射击游戏。在游戏中世界正被机器肆虐,玩家需要从第一层开始战斗,击倒源源不绝的机器军队。从游戏中你可感受到不同级别的枪战,你可通过实验研究强力的物品和修改器来强化自己。你有信心能打败位于顶层的「末日之心」吗?



> 掌握SYNTHETIK独特的拆卸弹匣及动态装弹的奖励系统!> 武器会堵塞及过热,请密切留意武器的热量以免因武器过热而烧伤自己!
> 掌握因移动而受影响的后坐力系统,以及切换不同类型弹药的功能!
> 可享受武器独特的操作,以及精准射击及武器熟练度所带来的奖励!
> 我们甚至是众多上方游戏视角的射击游戏中首个带来爆头效果的游戏
你可从8种独特且可定制的角色专业范畴中选择你的专业范畴 – 角色有防暴警察、爆破专家、狙击手、刺客、劫掠者、重型炮手、工程师及毁坏者,每个角色有其专属的武器、装备、优势及技能加点。即使你死亡,你也不会失去你已解锁的角色

操作系统: Windows XP SP3, Vista or higher
处理器: Intel Celeron G1820 2.7 GHz / AMD FX 8320 3.5 GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: GeForce GTX 460, Radeon HD 5770, 768 MB Vram
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 600 MB 可用空间
操作系统: Windows XP SP3, Vista or higher
处理器: Intel Core i3-4160 3.6 GHz / AMD QC A8-7670K 3.6GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: GeForce GTX 560+ Series, Radeon R9 270+
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 600 MB 可用空间






小型更新/补丁说明 已发布 2月13日周六 Patch 26.06

Many more fixes are now live! Things might still not be perfect but should be dramatically reduced with previous 26.05 (145 Fixes!) and now 26.06, we are still investigating on your further reports. For Ultimate we added a lot of things but also had to switch to an very early new version of the Engine, changing many fundamentals and causing a lot of trouble, we are sorry for inconveniences.
– Shrike

One time run codes
Already used One Time Run codes are all reset and can all be used again!
Special Run codes can be used once per savefile, enter them in chat after loading into a new run right at the start!

Enter in chat in new run:

Gotta go fast


Impressing the ladies

Drink responsibly

Lord of thunder, hear thy call!

Full Sale Room Clearance

Who touched my gun?

To infinity!

Actschually the mallninja code has a more fitting mechanic..

Living dangerously

Icefrog stop the mobility creep pls

He is back!

Shaken not stirred

You can not use multiple at once. There might be more scattered within the community!
These codes will eventually be reset, have fun!

Exp Tokens
Everyone has gotten a good bunch of exp tokens, granting double experience for a run each!
NEW – A player leaving your coop session (leaving, rage quitting, internet out, disconnect, crash) after the run has gone for a bit, will grant you one double Exp token.

Weapon Modding
Remember to check out the weapon mod sharing channel on discord for some cool weapon
mods! Its as easy to install as unzipping a file into your folder! Instructions on Discord or Steam forum.

Changes & Fixes:
Fixed many crashing issues and others issues (45 total)
Fixed Jet Achievement
Fixed Class Level Achievements
Fixed Shield and Credits Achievements
Fixed Generic Shrine not working in Coop and being invisible for the other player
Fixed Last Defender Field Attack being overwritten by other phases sometimes
Likely fixed players not getting ownership of their starting weapons at start of the game in coop

Boss Dialogs now are closing on Escape Press
Stats upgrade kit can now no longer be exploited with shaker (wasn’t easy to nerf due to dropping not saving any info so it had to be gutted for the moment)
Shaker cooldown increased by 15%
Added Ammo Stack to Firing Range
GPS and Black market teleporter are now back to normal item pool although low chance, still exist in Mystery Crate pool
Flametongue burning damage and range slightly increased
Removed random rare room event giving Hyper adrenaline buff for one room
Removed healing reduction from modded weapon debuff
Fixed sound that played when pressing “L”
Controller Deadzone Setting to max 25 instead of 14
Low Quality setting now reduces particle amount for better infight performance
Armageddon shard now kills after 10 seconds in the third room instead of instantly at the teleporter, now has a bit of animation also to convey it better
Increased text size in english by 1 point for main text and slightly larger text font

26.06 for Consoles:
(Coming later, certification starting very soon)
On Xbox and Switch a small remedy will be enabled where you will be able to click on the first name in the credits as a cheat, giving you 25 levels for the selected class and one prestige + 15 exp tokens as a small condolence and as a way to get progress back.
Console versions gain 10% more experience

There will be some time until this is live on consoles however, an announcement will be made at that point again on Discord and Reddit.

Previous patches

7 January – v26.5
– 145 Fixes

19 December – v26.4
More fixes as usual
GOG Bridge updated, more work is being done there
Upcoming QOL changes outside of fixes:
– Unstable randomizer should work on starters
– Custom fitting has an effect on special weapons
– Longer teleport time (10s more) on conveyor boss
– Armageddon shard displays charges until explosion in buff bar

17 December – v26.2
– A good bunch of fixes and crash fixes are live
– Conveyor belt boss is a bit shorter
– Auto Triggers on some items have been reduced
– Gladiator now can’t go to 0 ammo
– Armageddon Shard now shows a debuff
– Some other QOL changes
– Achievements have been enabled

16 December – v26.1
– Several fixes and crash fixes are live
– Fixed issue of people not getting prestige shop game modes in coop (?)

———————————— Support the Team! ————————————–

Remember you can support the team and save money on the DLC Bundle!
We have some really amazing things in work but need your support!
Stay tuned for our announcements 2021!

