《咒语力量3:陨落神明 SpellForce 3: Fallen God》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.4


《咒语力量3:陨落神明 SpellForce 3: Fallen God》是一款3D奇幻风格的城市建造类策略战棋游戏。在游戏中你可以操控各种各样的角色去战斗,掠夺地图中的资源。一张一弛的感觉能满足几乎所有玩家的要求,在这里赶紧开启一场专属于你自己的冒险之旅!



  • RTS与RPG的完美融合:《咒语力量3:陨落神明》结合了RTS与RPG的游戏模式使得玩家即可以体验沉浸式的剧情也可以指挥史诗般的即时战略。
  • 独立的游戏与故事:《陨落神明》作为《咒语力量3》的独立扩展内容。您不需要熟悉《咒语3》或《咒语力量3:灵魂收割》的故事就可以畅通无阻的开始游戏。
  • 单人战役:一段黑暗迷人的传奇,讲述了被误解的巨魔一族为生存而战的故事。游戏时间约为20小时。
  • 个性化英雄:结合不同的技能树和特殊能力为你的战略部署创造最完美的英雄。
  • 探索新的大陆:探索厄加斯,利用英雄与这个世界的独特交互发现这片大陆上的未解之谜。
  • 打造强力的武器:从其他种族中获取传说中的武器与护甲,让你的巨魔在战争中处于优势。
  • 领兵大胜:在改进过的区域化RTS系统中领兵作战,利刃开锋。
  • 史诗大捷:发挥每个单位的最大力量夺取胜利。
  • 厄加斯的沉浸体验:享受美妙的奇幻音乐以及顶尖的细致画面。

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 7, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit)
处理器: Intel Core i5 3570, AMD FX-6350
内存: 6 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2GB
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 7, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit)
处理器: Intel Core i7-4790, AMD FX-8350
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA GTX 970 4GB, AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间





重大更新 来自:SpellForce 3: Fallen God 已发布 1月23日周六 SpellForce 3 Fallen God – Patch #4 – Balancing Tweaks & New Modding Tools

With this update we release the SF3 version of Articy Draft which we used to set up dialogues and other gameplay data. We also put together a modding guide here: https://spellforce.com/modding/SF3ModdingGuide.pdf

  • Adjusted size of new healthbars to be more readable
  • Bavarian Trader on Isar Valley map has a voice now
  • Added a cooldown for Troll Capital select sound
  • Additional sound design for intro and outo videos
  • Fallen God campaign button/painting now has a mouseover sound
  • More ambient sounds on skirmish maps
  • Collapsing bridge on Red Meadow campaign map now has a proper SFX
  • Added SFX for failed spell casting
  • Trollcamp ambient sound on Mugwas Cradle now mutes properly after the trolls are gone
  • Improved Orc Titan visual effects
  • Improved Ironbeak visual effects
  • Added mod transfer support: When connecting to a modded lobby, you can now automatically download required mods from the host
  • Various tooltip & unit description improvements
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a plotstopper after completing the Quest ‘The Scions of the Kind Shepherd’
  • The Red Meadow: Small improvements
  • Added “Select all barracks”, “Select all tech buildings”, “Cycle godstone” hotkeys

Full List of Balancing Changes:
Balance Changes: Campaign
– Reduced duration of Zazka: Worm Away from 15s to 12s

Balance Changes: Multiplayer & RTS

– All elite golems now deal 250-260 base damage
– Stone Golem whirlwind ability now deals 200 base damage and causes 10 bleeding damage per second for 10 seconds.

All Factions
– Increased the iron mining speed by 10% across all factions
– Reduced research time from T1 to T2 by 1/3 for all factions
– Added a 3 second cooldown to all “Orb” items
– Adjusted building repair efficiency:
Starting with 50/s, each upgrade to an Outpost increases the repair efficiency for all buildings in that sector by an additional 16HP/s.
The steps are: 50 / 67 / 83 / 100
For Capitals, the steps are 50HP/s per upgrade and 50HP/s base. This affects all buildings within the sector.
Trolls start on 67 HP/s and upgrade to 100 HP/s.
– Adjusted main building HP: from 7500 / 11500 / 15000 to 10000 / 15000 / 20000 HP


Wolf Guard Commander
– Replinishing Strike adjusted
– Level 1 heals 50 to hero
– Level 2 heals 90 to hero, 40 to allies in smaller radius
– Level 3 heals 150 to hero, 60 to allies in larger radius

Royal Mage
– Increased cooldown of Ice Shell from 20s to 25s

– Range upgrade increases range by 25 instead of 30
– Damage upgraded increases damage by 25 instead of 35

– Increased health from 1200 to 1300

– Increased cost from 10 Wood 30 Stone to 10 Wood 30 Stone 5 Aria
– Adjusted the command card order of paying resources

– Totemic Might: Instead of only affecting hero, buffs now affect all units (including hero) in radius for half power.

– Demonic Pact: Reduced cooldown to 30s.
– Demonic Pact: Decreased damage bonus on level 1 from 200% to 150%. Does not scale with power.

– Production time of units now at normal speed, as opposed to half

– Increased cost from 5 to 7 Wood. New Cost: 7 Wood 2 Stone

Hunting Cabin
– Increased cost from 5 to 7 Wood.

– Increased cost from 5 to 7 Wood.

War Pit
– Reduced cost from 20 to 5 Wood.
– Increased cost from 0 to 10 Stone. New cost: 5 Wood 10 Stone.
– Reduced build time from 30s to 25s
– Increased building health from 2000 to 2500
– Increased the cost of each unit upgrade by 5 Wood.

Orc Hunter
– Reduced damage from 140 to 130
– Reduced Strike resistance from 25 to 0

Flesh Golem
– Reverted iron change cost

– Reduced Hail of Arrows damage from 150 to 140
– Reduced Martyricial Sacrifice radius from 100 to 84
– Martyrial Sacrifice I no longer resets cooldown of Spirit Of the Forest. Martyrial Sacrifice II no longer weakens targets hit.

– Elen’s Wrath: Increased cooldown from 10s to 20s
– Treant’s Grasp, Elen’s Fire, Nature’s Gift: Increased focus cost from 5 to 10.

– Melee damage decreased from 80 to 70

– Clarified tooltips to show proper damage distribution
– Damage distribution: 125 Pierce + 50 Magic damage (Base), 125 Pierce + 100 Magic damage (Upgraded)
– Iron cost reduced from 3 to 2

– Shrine of Growth: Reduced initial supply gain from 20 to 10
– Shrine of Growth T2: Increased supply gain from 5 to 10, thus all upgrades now give 10 supply.
– Fixed the positioning of upgrade icons. The upgrade position on the final level will also now stay at its previous position.

Dark Elves
Guardian of Nor
– Increased focus cost of “Soul Transformation” from 5 to 10.

– Reduced building time from 18s to 15s

– Fixed an issue that would cause Basilisk attacks to hit air units

– Reduced cost of upgrading from Scouting Post to Frontier Post from 15 to 12 Wood. New cost: 12 Wood 10 Food.

Iron Mine
– Added an upgrade that allows 3 additional workers to be placed in the Iron Mine. Cost: 10 Stone


– Reduced Barrage damage from 150 to 130
– Reduced the maximum amount of Scattershot ammunition from 10 to 7
– Reduced the range of additional targets hit by Scattershot by 66%
– Totem HP on level 1 increased from 200 to 250
– Cost of totem summoning reduced from 15 to 10 focus
– Totem of Silence: Intensity of debuffs increased from 10% to 15%
– Killshot level 1 no longer impairs

Warrior of the Depths
– Increased base focus from 20 to 30
– Relentless Rage: Additional focus gain per level increased from 5 to 10

– Dwarves now start with an additional 10 Charcoal.

Earth Shaper
– Can now attack while in Protective Shield stance

Fire Golem
– Reduced Charcoal cost from 20 to 15. New Cost: 5 Iron 15 Charcoal
– Melee Stance now hits for 90 strike damage, up to 3 targets in front.
– Siege stance now deals 350 siege damage instead of 300

– Reduced attack range in Sharpshooter Stance from 300 to 225

Mole Rider
– Reduced cost to 4 Food.

– Increased cost of T1 Outpost by 5 Charcoal. Reduced stone cost from 23 to 18. New cost: 5 Charcoal 18 Stone 13 Food

Stone Hall
– Removed 5 Food cost. Added 5 Charcoal cost. New cost: 5 Charcoal 15 Stone.

Moonsilver Smeltery
– Reduced build time from 75s to 50s

– Increased focus regeneration from 0.5F/s to 0.75F/s
– Increased strength of cannibalistic aura buffs. 5% -> 10% attack damage, resistance increase. 5 -> 10 heal per second.

– Level 1 of Train: Throwing, Train: Hitting and Train Hexing now behaves like level 2. The abilities can no longer be upgraded, just unlocked.

– Reduced cost from 12 to 10 food.

Mugwa’s Cub
– Added 75 Food cost

Spike Flinger
– Reduced range from 200 to 180
– Changed damge type from Magic to Pierce, effectively reducing its potential damage output versus buildings and many units.

Wall Breaker
– Reduced siege damage from 400 to 350

Bone Hexer
– Can now attack air units

Shrine to Mugwa
– Reduced cost from 20 Wood / 20 Stone to 15 Wood / 15 Stone
– Now produces 2 offerings every 24 seconds. From previous 5 offerings every 60 seconds.

