《机器人任务 Roboquest》中文版测试版百度云迅雷下载v0.3.0


《机器人任务 Roboquest》是一款集第一人称射击与Roguelite为一体的游戏。游戏背景设在后末日未来世界,“你”是一个重新启动后的机械守护者,准备好随时出击!你可以选择与你的伙伴并肩作战,亦或是单人畅玩,你/你们的任务就是要在变幻莫测的环境中歼灭成群结队的致命机器人。



操控守护者如同他是你肢体的一部分, 流畅的操作手感高度和实时操作反馈。没有任何事情能够阻挡你的战斗的步伐。

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 10
处理器: i3 4130
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 6 GB 可用空间
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 10
处理器: i5 6500
内存: 16 GB RAM
显卡: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 6 GB 可用空间




重大更新 来自:Roboquest 已发布 12月23日周三 The Winter Update is here!

Howdy ho!

The Winter Update (v0.3.0) has just landed!

This update was a bit special for us because we won’t be able to release any fix as fast as we did for the previous updates. We will (finally!) be taking some rest and going on holidays for two weeks after the update lands so we had to make sure everything was as stable as it can be from the get go.
Once more, the playtesters have shown up and helped us tremendously in that area so a big shout out and thanks to everyone involved!

Also, we won’t be as present as usual on our related social channels but rest assured that we will be actively following and reading your feedback nonetheless (whether they’d be on Discord, on the Steam community or through the F10 ingame system).

When it comes to this Winter update, here are the highlights:

Patch Highlights

Haven-City is a gigantic, tortuous level with lots of verticality to play around with.

New Boss

But we won’t reveal anything here or in the patch-note below 😉

New Weapons

5 new weapons have come into play: Firegun, Rifle Crossbow, Dual Guns, Militia Rifle and Throwing Knife.

Progression Changes

Several changes to the player progression mechanics with the most noticeable being leveling-up your perks!

CPU Performance Gain

We’ve made an optimization pass, but it’s not the last and we will obviously need more to make the game as fluid as we’d like. But for now, your CPU should no longer tank nearly as much as before and you should experience a better and more stable framerate overall (if your CPU was bottlenecking the performance, and not your GPU).

And here we go. Hope you liked these highlights. If you want to know more, check out the meaty Winter patch notes down here:

Patch Notes 0.3.0

🍉Community Requests & Suggestions


• Some translations are missing from the game, and they’ll be added over time
• As usual but not to forget, we thank Awneeon, Bandicoot, Filippo, Flo, Luciifero, Ria and Tryyton from our awesome Discord community for their translation work!


• Jetpack impulse has been modified and should allow more vertical mobility while preserving its hover potential
• Jetpack now starts regenerating automatically after not using it for a split second (it was previously waiting for you to hit the ground once)
🍉 Shield values are now based on a flat amount rather than a percentage of your maximum health
• Every trap damage has been reduced (-20% in average)
🍉 We disabled the “Mouse Smoothing” Unreal option and did not notice significant changes but we’d love your feedback about this
• Several new challenge rooms and others tweaked
• When your brobot is taken down by the enemies, he now has a red highlight and a better compass indicator to locate his wreck


• Added a Gamepad Magnetism slider in the settings, it controls how strongly your crosshair snaps to the target you’re aiming at
• Added a Gamepad Acceleration slider, it controls how fast your sensitivity increases when you keep aiming in the same direction


• You can now level-up your perks instead of picking a new one
• The perk display has been modified to better showcase the values and their progression
• Upgrades (bonus attributes) granted every two levels have been removed from the game as a result (they weren’t needed anymore with the addition of perk level-ups)
• To follow-up with these changes, many perks have received modifications, others have been deleted and new ones have come into play

Developer’s Note: Like we said in the previous patch note regarding perks, the content is going through continuous improvements and we’re always looking at replacing what we deem the “least” exciting of it.

• Shorty base damage has been decreased
• The base damage of all other melee attacks has been increased
• Assault points now increase your movement speed instead of the size of your explosions


• New weapons have been added to the game:

Rifle Crossbow

Assault/Precision – Tier 1
• Automatic crossbow with the ability to scatter shot to thin out the enemy waves.
Throwing Knife

Precision – Tier 1
• High-risk, high reward throwing dagger with pinpoint accuracy and high critical damage.

Demolition – Tier 1
• Pocket fire peeker to hurl homing fireballs at your enemies.
Dual Guns

Assault – Tier 2
• Steady mid-range dual guns to swiftly hop in and out of enemy shots.
Militia Rifle

Assault – Tier 3
• Evenly balanced assault rifle capable of handling enemies both at close and long range.
Other Changes

• Junk Colt and Flare Gun added to the weapon starter pool (you can find them at the start of your runs)
• New weapon affixes have been added to the game, some have been deleted

Developer’s Note: Like we said in the previous patch note regarding perks, the content is going through continuous improvements and we’re always looking at replacing what we deem the “least” exciting of it.

• Several weapons have received gunfeel and usability upgrades (no major balance changes)
• Some of the new weapon affixes “cost” 2 stars (and therefore a 3 stars weapon can end up with 2 affixes)
• Warmup times have been reduced across the board
• Firerate bonus calculation has been modified to make it more logical and allow us to crank up the values a bit more
• Heavy affix movement speed reduction decreased to 30% (down from 40%)
• You can now find Weapon Consoles in secret and other areas to print new affixes on your weapons (please note that the UI for this is placeholder)
• Graviton launcher gun feel improved: new shoot sound, added better camera shake, added onomatopoeia and added HUD shake when shooting


• New and unique enemies added in the new level, some enemies present in this level are still placeholders and will be replaced later on
• Projectile amount for shotgun-like attacks have been reduced to 3 (down from 5) and their spread pattern has been modified to make it possible to powerslide below
• Gatling Pods’ (spam-like turrets in Fields) rotation speed and firerate decreased but projectiles speed highly increased
• Dr. Turret has received several improvements to its attack patterns, he should be harder overall and his attacks more threatening, forcing you to move more often
• Dr. Turret now has its own sound set
• Diggy Mole rocket flurry attack pattern has been tweaked and should hit you a bit less randomly
• Reduced slow effect on frozen enemies but increased duration
• The hitbox detecting the boots’ bump has been improved
• Some boss attack patterns have an “extreme” knockback effect added


• Artifacts are now unlocked like other persistent rewards (you don’t have to find a blueprint to unlock them beforehand)
• As a result, “blueprints” have been removed from the game
• You now unlock the different artifacts by reaching specific Basecamp levels
• You now have access to your artifact rack in the starting area of the first level

• Haven-City is a new level available after the Energy Center

Developer’s Notes: No story has been injected into the game though. We’ll be injecting more later down the road.

• Added “Under Construction” panels to doors leading to work-in-progress levels


• You should no longer be stuck in the “slow” state from the Heavy affix when playing client
• The pink stun lasers in Energy Center are no longer floating in the air or going in the wrong direction
🍉 Putting a weapon in the Toy Box while scoping will no longer leave you in a permanent scoped state
🍉 Switching weapons with “last weapon used” will no longer swap to your third weapon after picking up a new gun when playing with the bag pack
• Diggy Mole no longer shoots in a odd direction when you stealth in
🍉 Music in the basecamp no longer resets when you walk out of its perception range
• Being stunned while using jetpack now properly interrupts your jetpack
• Fixed several memory leaks impacting CPU performance
🍉 Gathering rewards on Bosses no longer generates extra annoying sounds
• Fixed occurrences where the game would roll twice the same weapon for the same chest under certain circumstances
• Horizontal laser projectiles now only deal damage once

