《猎人:野性的呼唤 theHunter: Call of the Wild™》是一款荒野狩猎的开放世界游戏,你渴望荒郊野外的狩猎生活吗?你曾想过有机会漫步欧洲森林吗?落在地上的阳光,种种的一切都编制了一幅欧洲湖光山色的美妙画卷。匍匐在地上,静悄悄的等待着猎物的靠近,汗水滴答滴答的击打在手心中,飘忽不定的狙击镜显示出了猎人紧绷的心脏。当我们的猎物走进了视野范围内,只听一声枪响,是收获的时候了。(支持简体中文)
《theHunter: Call of the Wild》提供最身历其境的狩猎体验。步入生机勃勃且风景如画的开放世界中,你将在荒野中一睹雄伟的鹿、威风凛凛的野牛、数不清的飞禽、动物和昆虫。
探索 50 平方英里的多种不同地形,有湿地、密林、蓊郁山谷和广阔田野。《theHunter: Call of the Wild》的辽阔世界划分为多个独立的狩猎特别保护区,各区都充满惊喜,保证能让你欢度难忘时刻。
《theHunter: Call of the Wild》为《theHunter》的进阶版。《theHunter》是 Expansive Worlds 杰出的狩猎游戏,拥有 600 多万名注册玩家,并持续营运七年之久。
Avalanche Studios 和 Expansive Worlds 联手为新一代玩家打造这款狩猎游戏。《theHunter: Call of the Wild》运用 Avalanche 开放世界游戏引擎 Apex。此技术荣获奖项肯定,亦于爆发性动作游戏领域享有 10 多年开发经验。
除了推出丰富的单人游戏体验,《theHunter: Call of the Wild》也提供多人游戏选项。可协作也可竞争,最多可加入八名好友(陌生玩家也行)同游。尽情享受游戏的各种挑战和活动吧。与好友一同狩猎,奖励更优、刺激加倍,分享狩猎经验,好好大显身手吧。
《theHunter》游戏的发展主旨是为了让社区可共同参与。《theHunter: Call of the Wild》进阶版承袭此优良传统,玩家渊博的知识与努力付出将再创荣耀。我们也将共创无人能敌的精彩游戏体验。
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: 64bit OS – Windows 7
处理器: Intel i3-4170
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: NVIDIA GTX 660 / ATI HD7870 – 1GB VRAM
存储空间: 需要 36 GB 可用空间
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: 64bit OS – Windows 10
处理器: Intel i7 quad-core
内存: 8 GB RAM
图形: NVidia GTX 760 / R9 270x – 4GB VRAM
存储空间: 需要 36 GB 可用空间
重大更新 来自:theHunter: Call of the Wild™ 已发布 12月10日周四 Te Awaroa National Park – Out Now
Howdy Hunters,
It is our pleasure to introduce Te Awaroa National Park,
Nestled at the foot of the Southern Alps, Te Awaroa National Park is inspired by the vast, breathtaking landscapes of the South Island of New Zealand – a coastal paradise and home to some of the best hunting locations in the country. Te Awaroa National Park features eight species of animals to hunt (four of which are new to the game), a powerful new F.L. Sporter .303 bolt action rifle, numerous unique landmarks, and 16 new story missions for players to explore.
New and Diverse Wildlife – There are eight species of animals that roam Te Awaroa’s diverse environments. Players will be able to hunt not only the prized Sika Deer and sought-after Feral Pigs, Feral Goats, and Chamois, but also Red Deer, Turkey, European Rabbits, and Fallow Deer.
Trace the Trails of History – From the first Polynesian settlers to the hardy helicopter pilots who took on great personal risk to preserve the reserve’s unique biodiversity, Te Awaroa is full of history. Reflected in 16 new story missions, you’ll deal with local menaces, patch things up between old friends, and discover the truth behind a long-forgotten legend.
Added support for new paid DLC: Te Awaroa National Park
— Animals & Environment
Fixed TruRACS scoring on Whitetail Deer, Roe Deer and Moose where the probability of scoring a Diamond rating was very low
Fixed an underlying issue with animal scoring system that caused Mule Deer, Axis Deer and European Rabbit populations to have too many animals with the lowest or highest possible score
Fixed several issues related to animals sometimes not dropping clues
Fixed Clashing with The Deer, Wild Boars Raving and Hunting for Gold hunting missions in Hirschfelden so that it’s no longer necessary to harvest an animal inside a hunting pressure zone
Fixed animations and trophy poses of Red Deer and Roe Deer where the antlers were detached from the skull
Walking on fallen branches no longer sounds like walking on wooden floor.
— Weapons, Gear, & Character
Fixed .22 Andersson (Weapon Pack 3) accuracy so that shots no longer land far to the right
Fixed MN1890 Solokhin (Weapon Pack 2) accuracy with scopes
Downing animal with bows generates less hunting pressure now
Fixed persistent ATV sound when switching reserves while driving
— User Interface & Multiplayer
Fixed issue where the Trophy Lodge wouldn’t load when switching between 2 lodges of the same type when using a gamepad
Fixed missing button prompt for entering an ATV
Fixed the highlight on animals tracks so they no longer show in screenshots captured with the camera
Fixed several issues resulting in animals falling out of sync between players in multiplayer game
Hunting Towers and Blinds no longer remain “occupied” after player leaves a multiplayer game while inside a tower or blind
— Miscellaneous
Fixed “Thanksgiving” achievement so that in unlocks correctly all the time
Fixed a small exploit in “Spirit Animal”, “Let it fly!” And “Shotgun!” achievements
Fixed the issue where weapon and equipment would show up next to an ATV while driving
Fixed certain cases where the game would shut down due to becoming disconnected from Steam server (even when playing offline)
Various crash fixes
Added darker background to all UI screens for better readability
Cursor is now always caged inside the game window during gameplay in windowed mode
Call of the Wild Team