《地牢守护者:觉醒 Dungeon Defenders: Awakened》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.2


《地牢守护者:觉醒 Dungeon Defenders: Awakened》是一款塔防策略类角色扮演游戏。支持4人合作模式以及15个不同岗位进行战术策略防御,击败敌人获得的奖励可以用户升级自己的武器和防御力。开发人员将4为主人公改为Q版角色,加入BOSS模式及大量绚丽武器。


需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 10 (64-bit Only)
处理器: Intel Core i3-3210 or AMD FX-4350
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 or AMD Radeon HD 7750
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Shader Model 5 GPU Required
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 10 (64-bit Only)
处理器: Intel Core i7-4770K or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 or AMD RX 470
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Shader Model 5 GPU Required







We’ve been hard at work on great things here at Chromatic Games, and it’s time to let one of those things spread its wings and fly. Update 1.2 is now live and ready for you to hop right into! An insane amount of bug fixes, Rifted maps, Rifted enemies, new weapons, new gear, new accessories, transmog, and more are coming your way. Let’s cut the intro and get into it, there’s A LOT!

Update 1.2 – Enter the Rift

We’re going to be splitting this update into two parts to make sure everything we add is in the best state possible. The first part of this update includes additional gameplay, features, rewards, and bug fixes; the second part includes additional features and Kickstarter rewards. The goal with Update 1.2 is to put a bow on what we consider the baseline DD:A experience before we move onto major content updates, with 1.2 serving as the foundation for us to build something wonderful!

Rifted Maps

Throughout Campaign and Survival you are now able to activate the Rifted toggle before joining a map, similar to Hardcore. This tears open the portal and provides access to Rifted enemies. Rifted Maps serve to evolve the challenge and experience of DD:A, providing players something new to take on, regardless of their experience with Dungeon Defenders.

Rifted Enemies

The total number of enemies is reduced by 50%, but a portion of the remaining enemies become distorted from the Rift, granting them increased strength and mechanics. For starters, all Rifted enemies have increased health and deal increased damage. Oh, and also they have additional mechanics. You know, not a big deal, probably not anything worth mentioning. OH WAIT, VERY BIG DEAL! Here’s what they do:

  • Goblins are larger, potentially absorbing hits for other enemies.
  • Dark Elf Archers shoot homing arrows that chase down their targets.
  • Dark Elf Mages have an increased healing radius, and summon skeletons that EXPLODE on death.
  • Dark Elf Warriors are invisible to non-Fusion towers and drain mana on hit.
  • Kobolds have an increased explosion radius.
  • Orcs are tankier and take reduced damage.
  • Ogres, oh no, Rifted ogres snot ball ensnares. Also the first snot ball isn’t a snot ball, but is a Rifted kobold. Also they deal increased damage to towers. Why did we make them so strong?!
  • Spiders can no longer shoot webs, but they jump all over the place now. They also apply a web on melee hit that acts like normal webs with an added damage over time effect.
  • Sharkens enrage when their charge is interrupted, increasing their damage and movement speed while becoming IMMUNE to crowd control effects.
  • Djinn’s apply an Onyx buff to enemies, a much stronger gold buff. They also take less time to destroy towers, with an increased range, and decreased cooldown to do so.
  • Goblin Copters are truly a terror from above, dropping Rifted ogres, have an increased missile and crashing explosion radius.
  • The Siren is already a Rifted enemy. Surprise!

There’s a ton of new mechanics to master, but what fun is a new challenge without new rewards? Onwards we go!

Rifted Rewards
Fusion Gear

Fusion gear is a new type of item that is only available on Rifted maps. There are two types of Fusion gear, weapons and armor.

Fusion Weapons

These are special weapons that have a chance to drop on all Rifted maps. Rifted weapons are like normal weapons, except that they deal greatly increased damage to Rifted enemies! While they have a chance to drop on all maps, Rifted map bosses also drop Fusion versions of their weapons, providing the ability to target farm powerful weapons!

Fusion Armor

This new type of armor provides a ton of power to defend against the Rifted ruffians that are running your way! Not only does Fusion armor give you 5% Rifted Armor, causing you to take less damage from Rifted enemies, but if you combine an entire set you gain a Fusion set bonus. Depending on the set, the Fusion bonus converts a specific tower into a Fusion tower! This causes your tower to deal greatly increased damage to Rifted enemies, take reduced damage from them, and also negate their Rifted abilities (i.e. they now see Dark Elf Warriors)!

There are five Fusion sets total for you to search out to take on the Rifted foes that approach you!

  • Ancient Set: Apply Fusion affinity to your Hero’s first tower.
  • Guard Set: Apply Fusion affinity to your Hero’s second tower.
  • Militia Set: Apply Fusion affinity to your Hero’s third tower.
  • Miner Set: Apply Fusion affinity to your Hero’s fourth tower.
  • Primitive Set: Apply Fusion affinity to your Hero’s fifth tower.

What does each of the sets do to each of the towers? They retain their base mechanics, affect and target Rifted enemies that they may have not been able to previously affect or target, as well as gain increased strength and functionality. That’d be a lot to type. Sorry, that’s going to be a lot to type. Here you go!

Magic Missile Tower
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Magic Blockade
  • Armor increased by 30% against Rifted enemies.


Fireball Tower
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Lightning Tower
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Deadly Striker Tower
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Explosive Trap
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Gas Trap
  • Causes Fusion to do 10% more damage to affected Rifted enemies.
  • This effect stacks with other similar effects.


Inferno Trap
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Darkness Trap
  • Causes Fusion to do 10% more damage to affected Rifted enemies.
  • This effect stacks with other similar effects.


Spike Trap
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Ensnare Aura
  1. Causes Fusion to do 10% more damage to affected Rifted enemies.
  2. This effect stacks with other similar effects.


Lightning Aura
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Healing Aura
  • Increases heroes armor against Rifted enemies by 50%.


Strength Drain Aura
  • Causes Fusion to do 10% more damage to affected Rifted enemies.
  • This effect stacks with other similar effects.


Enrage Aura
  1. Increases chance to enrage by 5% against Rifted enemies.


Series EV-A
Proton Beam
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Blocked Field
  • Armor increased by 30% against Rifted enemies.


Reflect Field
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Shock Beam
  1. Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.
  2. Increased stun effect by 50% against Rifted enemies.


Overclock Beam
  • Gives towers that are buffed 50% armor against Rifted enemies.


Spiked Blockade
  • Armor increased by 30% against Rifted enemies.
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Bouncer Blockade
  • Armor increased by 30% against Rifted enemies.
  • Damage increased 100% against Rifted enemies.


Bowling Ball Tower
  • Damage increased by 100% against Rifted enemies.


Slice and Dice Tower
  • Armor increased by 30% against Rifted enemies.
  • Damage increased 100% against Rifted enemies.

Oh my goodness! That’s a lot of power! Fusion gear locations! Where!? Where do they drop!? We’ll never tell, except for in the list down below, but outside of that good luck:

Fusion Ancient Set
  • Tornado Highlands Wave 25
  • Ramparts Wave 25
  • Throne Room Wave 25
  • Any Act II Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Arcane Library Wave 15
  • Arcane Library Wave 25
  • Any Act III Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Deeper Well Wave 15
  • Deeper Well Wave 25
  • Any Act I Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Tornado Valley Wave 15
  • Tornado Valley Wave 25
  • Any Act II Campaign Map Wave 5


Fusion Guard Set
  • Promenade Wave 25
  • The Summit Wave 25
  • Glitterhelm Wave 25
  • Any Act III Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Royal Gardens Wave 15
  • Royal Gardens Wave 25
  • Any Act III Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Ancient Mines Wave 15
  • Ancient Mines Wave 25
  • Any Act I Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Tornado Highlands Wave 15
  • Tornado Highlands Wave 25
  • Any Act II Campaign Map Wave 5


Fusion Militia Set
  • Alchemical Labs Wave 25
  • Magus Quarters Wave 25
  • Tornado Valley Wave 25
  • Any Act I or Act II Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Promenade Wave 15
  • Promenade Wave 25
  • Any Act III Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Lava Mines Wave 15
  • Lava Mines Wave 25
  • Any Act I Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Ramparts Wave 15
  • Ramparts Wave 25
  • Any Act II Campaign Map Wave 5


Fusion Miner Set
  • Endless Spires Wave 25
  • Arcane Library Wave 25
  • Royal Gardens Wave 25
  • Any Act II or Act III Campaign Map Wave 5


  • The Summit Wave 15
  • The Summit Wave 25
  • Any Act III Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Alchemical Labs Wave 15
  • Alchemical Labs Wave 25
  • Any Act I Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Throne Room Wave 15
  • Throne Room Wave 25
  • Any Act II Campaign Map Wave 5


Fusion Primitive Set
  • Deeper Well Wave 25
  • Ancient Mines Wave 25
  • Lava Mines Wave 25
  • Any Act I Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Glitterhelm Wave 15
  • Glitterhelm Wave 25
  • Any Act III Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Magus Quarters Wave 15
  • Magus Quarters Wave 25
  • Any Act I Campaign Map Wave 5


  • Endless Spires Wave 15
  • Endless Spires Wave 25
  • Any Act II Campaign Map Wave 5

We also wanted to provide something for players to target farm alongside Fusion Weapons. Specific Fusion armor pieces drop from Wave 5 campaign and Waves 15 & 25 in Survival, allowing you to focus farm which sets you want to use!

Fusion armor set bonuses are channeled only to heroes that are actively equipped to your hero deck, providing you the ability to use up to four Fusion towers at any given time. This means currently in multiplayer you can have up to SIXTEEN Fusion towers to absolutely decimate your foes. Don’t fret though, the mode is not balanced around that extreme. Maybe there are ways to overcome this in the future…

