《地痞街区 Streets of Rogue》中文版百度云迅雷下载v92


《地痞街区 Streets of Rogue》是一款Rogue-lite类游戏,这款游戏并非发生在地下城中,而是设定在一个程序生成的正常城市中,其中有复杂的 AI 来通知各行各业的居民,后者只是在按部就班地完成日常活动。

《地痞街区 Streets of Rogue》中文版百度云迅雷下载v92


  • 怎么玩,由你选!不想滥杀无辜?没问题!想入侵电脑?满足你!
  • 随机生成的世界和超高可玩性保证 600 小时的游戏时间,绝不会无聊!说真的,出门看看吧!!
  • 超先进人工智能,绝不容忍你的废话!用谋略战胜这些虚拟人类,羞辱你的电脑!
  • 扮演超过 20 个(而且还在不断增加)完全迥异的角色!酒保、科学家、黑客、大猩猩。嘿,说不定还有你的职业呢!
  • 种类极其繁多的道具!缩小射线、催眠器、手提音响、捕熊夹、食物处理器…….. 噢,还有枪当然,少不了各种枪械。
  • 4 人在线模式和本地合作模式,让你尽情蹂躏暴徒,告别孤独!
  • 带领黑帮、解放奴隶、大口喝酒、撕碎幽灵、变成吸血鬼,用道具将人类变小并践踏他们。这是史上最疯狂的多元化游戏。

操作系统: Windows 7 or Later
处理器: Dual-Core Intel or AMD processor
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: DX9 (shader model 3.0) or DX11 with feature level 9.3 capabilities
存储空间: 需要 320 MB 可用空间





中文设置: 开始游戏 -> 按ESC -> SETTINGS -> Languages -> 中文 -> OK -> 重启游戏


定期更新 来自:Streets of Rogue 已发布 10月16日周五 Version 92

Hello again! Here’s a spooooky Halloween update!… Well ok, not really, aside from a couple of Werewolf references in the patch notes. Over the past month, my time has been divided between a few things:

  • Work on the open-world tech that’s powering the Streets of Rogue sequel. It’s getting to be in really good shape, to the point where I can shift focus to work on other new aspects of the game.
  • Good old fashioned bug fixing. As I’ve mentioned in earlier updates, the sequel is using the original game as a base to work from, so I try to focus on bugs that could potentially carry over from one game to the next.
  • Work on the upcoming Microsoft Store version of the game, which will be releasing next month.


Version 92


  • NPCs in the player’s party who go invisible will appear transparent on the screen

UI / Controls

  • Fix for online game listing’s scroll position appearing incorrect when selected with gamepad
  • Fix for ice not having an effect on player movement if the player teleports onto it
  • Fix for Big Quest map markers disappearing if the NPC turns into a Werewolf

Playfield Objects

  • Fix for issues stemming from objects being hit by two sources at the same time and being destroyed
  • Fix for cases where NPCs would be given low player-interaction priority when they shouldn’t have been, making it difficult to interact if the NPC was near a door
  • Open doors are given a low interaction priority


  • Auto-Equip Weapons setting no longer affects auto-equipping armor
  • Fix for certain relationship properties not being reverted when Memory Mutilator is used
  • Bartender can no longer drop or otherwise lose the Drink Mixer
  • “300 Money” in character creation costs fewer points

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities

  • If the player is wearing Roller Skates or is on ice, they will stop moving if they begin arresting/enslaving/etc.
  • Hacker does not have the option to Install Malware on the final level
  • Player will not receive Teleport Happy as a reward if they have No Teleports
  • Roller Skates cancels out Chaaarge in character creation
  • Fix for player not dying if they end the game while Charging with Juggernaut or Super Special Abilities
  • Fix for health loss not always being calculated properly if the player is hit while Charging with Juggernaut or Super Special Abilities

Artificial Intelligence

  • Fix for certain cases where player could not interact with their party members until entering a new level
  • Fix for Slaves sometimes continuing to do tasks after becoming mutinous
  • Fix for Slaves sometimes fleeing after becoming mutinous despite having their helmet on
  • Fix for some cases where an NPC in the Deportation Center would exit the door and the Bouncers wouldn’t care
  • NPCs do not walk back and forth while they are attacking inanimate objects
  • NPCs have shorter delays between melee attacks while attacking inanimate objects
  • Player does not have the option to give items to Slaves that they have freed
  • Fix for Mobsters ceasing to mug the player when he is hidden in a bush
  • NPCs in the player’s party who have Camouflage will attempt to use it when the player becomes invisible
  • NPCs who were chasing the player for certain reasons won’t attempt to chase them through lockdown walls
  • Fix for Firefighters not being able to put out fires in Bushes
  • Custom NPCs with the Werewolf Transform ability can actually use it now
  • If you enslave a Slavemaster, you will also gain full control of their slaves
  • The player’s Slaves will become Submissive to other NPCs who join the player’s party
  • Fix for prisoners not recognizing that they can escape a jail cell if the Door Detonator on the door is disabled via EMP Grenade or Power Sap
  • Fix for cases where Submissive NPCs would become hostile toward the player if the player attacked one of their friends in certain ways, such as with Freeze Ray
  • NPCs with Electronic will not flee buildings due to spewing gas
  • Fix for cases where an NPC would begin to follow the Musician, but would not be able to bypass their own house door


  • Fix for small performance drop when Bushes are shaking


  • Steam multiplayer is compatible with Microsoft Store version of the game

Level Editor

  • Fix for ‘attached to wall’ objects that the user places in the level editor appearing in a different direction than specified


  • Full support for Microsoft Store added

