《小兵步枪 Running With Rifles》中文版百度云迅雷下载集成EDELWEISS DLC


《小兵步枪 Running With Rifles》是一个具有开放世界 RPG 元素的俯视角战术射击游戏。 在游戏中,玩家会和身边的人一样,以一名普通士兵的身份加入军队作战。



  • 数百个地点等着你去探索,从战壕到小镇,从沙漠到冰雪峡谷
  • 你觉得你很聪明?机智的 AI 会教你做人
  • 真实的覆盖系统
  • 一大堆各式各样的武器、支援装备、掩体、无线电支援和载具
  • 次要目标够你忙的——炸毁无线电塔和其它重要目标、窃取货运卡车、营救囚犯
  • 支持40人以上的线上多人专属服务器, 包含 coop、PvP、PvPvE 模式
  • 好玩儿的聊天气泡!
  • 在游戏中你会死去活来!
  • …当然还有MOD模组支持!

操作系统: Windows XP
处理器: 1.6 GHz Dual Core
内存: 1 GB RAM
显卡: NVidia Geforce 6600, ATI x800, Intel HD3000 or equivalent with 256MB VRAM
DirectX 版本: 9.0c
存储空间: 需要 800 MB 可用空间
附注事项: Try out the latest demo to see if the game will run fine for you.
操作系统: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista
处理器: 2.4 GHz Dual Core
内存: 2 GB RAM
网络: 宽带互联网连接







  • modding: added faction specific lose_last_base_without_spawnpoints
  • misc: improved character model loading time
  • visuals: water foam is no longer handled for wall object without side material
  • modding: added damage_origin_vehicle control for projectiles, can be used to ignore blast damage for vehicle which the projectile originated from
  • ai: added ai_stop_to_fight for vehicles, -1 do the usual thing, 0 don’t stop, 1 stop
  • ai: added ai_attack_spread_block_multiplier for vehicles, used to override commander spread multiplier
  • ai: added ai_navigation_offset for vehicles, by default 1.7, controls how much driver aims to drive offset from road midline
  • modding: added allow_player_to_use for vehicles
  • modding: added simulated_damage for vehicles
  • misc: added comms_marker_atlas_size for hud
  • misc: fixed comms marker game view flag handling
  • misc: changed edge comms marker to interpolate small position changes
  • misc: added climbable keyword for building config
  • misc: added type keyword for update_map_view command, “default” or “frame”
  • misc: added render_queue_offset for set_marker command

CHANGELOG v1.80 (Pacific):

  • weapons: new Bayonet toggling system from EDELWEISS added into Pacific, Bayonets can now be toggled on appropriate weapons at a slight cost to accuracy
  • weapons: T22 Large Mag Garand now has a Bayonet
  • weapons: Semi-automatic Rifles, secondary-slot Carbines, and Assault Rifles now have better recoil recovery
  • weapons: M1 Garand and variants damage reduced to compensate for its superior recoil recovery
  • weapons: Automatic Rifles, LMGs, MMGs and Snipers now have a slower accuracy recovery when changing from running to standing still, but have more maximum accuracy in all postures while still
  • weapons: M1921 SMG with the 100-round drum and T22 Garand have been given a slower stance recovery as well
  • weapons: SMGs and carbines have slightly superior moving accuracy
  • weapons: lowered the recoil of the M55 Reising and its folded variant
  • weapons: All sniper rifles’ recoil recovery rates reduced; creating a larger disparity in rate of fire between them and regular bolt-action rifles
  • weapons: All sniper rifles’ damage raised, making them more effective against soldiers wearing body armor
  • weapons: M1903A1 Sniper has been rebalanced to better represent the advantages and disadvantages of its very high power scope: sight range increased, rate of fire lowered
  • weapons: USMC M1918A2 BAR has been changed to a Lightweight configuration, with slightly more speed and better accuracy from standing / crouching position, but not as great accuracy in prone or over walls compared to the USF Paratrooper BAR
  • weapons: raised range of Type STE bayonet melee
  • weapons: all secondary-slot SMGs now only cost 20RP and can be respawned with, but still require briefcase sales to randomly unlock
  • weapons: M12 Trench Gun and Type 2 SMG now only cost 25rp and can be respawned with, but still require briefcase sales to randomly unlock
  • weapons: M12 Trench Gun fires 1 less pellet per shot
  • weapons: M1941 Johnson LMG standing and crouching accuracy improved
  • weapons: Some weapons have been removed from the ability to be unlocked via briefcase sale
  • weapons: Type 100 Grenade Discharger removed from standard armory to requiring a briefcase sale. It also sometimes carried by IJA Veteran soldiers, and shows up a bit more frequently.
  • weapons: New Item from RWR: Edelweiss – M1903 Rifle Grenade HE added to USMC. Is unlocked by briefcase sales, and sometimes carried by USMC Veteran soldiers.
  • weapons: Lowered sight of Type 92 HMG from 2.0 to 1.725.
  • weapons: Rebalanced all explosive / area of effect weapons. Anti-Tank Rifle Grenades are now much weaker but have infinite ammo like other weapons, Flamethrowers are now very effective against Bunkers and can even be used against Light Tanks.
  • weapons: All AT Rifle Grenades now remain available in the standard armory even in late-war maps, due to their new utility as reloadable, low damage AT weapons.
  • weapons: Slightly reduced the AoE of the M1 Bazooka and Type 4 Rocket Launcher.
  • vehicles: changed radio jammer to no longer respawn, and be easier to hit with various explosive weapons
  • vehicles: adjusted rotation speed of many machine gun turrets, including Heavy MGs and some vehicle-born MGs.
  • vehicles: the machine guns on the Ho-Ha and Ka-Tsu have been improved for better long-range performance
  • vehicles: LVT max speed and reverse speed both lowered
  • vehicles: adjustments made to many vehicles’ RP and XP rewards for dealing damage and killing them; placing higher rewards on bigger tanks such as the LVT and Ka-Tsu.
  • vehicles: slightly raised the maximum kill chance range on all vehicle-born M1919s.
  • vehicles: slightly raised the maximum kill chance value on the Ha-Go tank’s Type 97 Machine Gun.
  • vehicles: Landing Craft can now only be crewed by their owner’s faction, are marked as “should be destroyed” by the enemy, and have a minimum fill capacity before AI will take them.
  • vehicles: Added the ability to crush sandbags and heavy machine guns with vehicles, like Vanilla.
  • vehicles: Adjusted some AI sight range values on Higgins’ MGs and the Type 92 HMG.
  • vehicles: Heavy MGs no longer add soldier capacity, and Landing Craft soldier added capacity reduced.
  • vehicles: Heavy MGs that exist as ‘map-based’ weapons (i.e. they are not deployed by the player) now have a 3 minute respawn timer.
  • vehicles: Ka-Tsu added an invisible shield in front of the gunners to help protect them a bit from small-arms. It encompasses the 13mm Machine Gun weapons themselves, rather than showing a new 3D model.
  • items: raised protection of the player-owned Banzai vest, slightly lowered protection of only the first layer of the Sentry vest. player can now carry two Banzai vests in backpack before being encumbered
  • items: Camouflage Suit renamed to “Sniper” to keep in line with other class-style naming of vests. Has also been improved with slightly more damage resistance and slightly more detection resistance.
  • items: Sniper Suit added to USMC, is unlocked by briefcase sales.
  • items: New Item from RWR: Edelweiss – Assault Vest added to USMC, is unlocked by briefcase sales.
  • ai: AI sniper accuracy has been increased.
  • ai: AI infantry behaviour modified; regular troops and veterans are slightly more accurate with all weapons, and use cover more.
  • ai: All AI Sniper Soldiers now have additional resistance to firearms, making them a more threatneing mini-boss. They remain vulnerable to explosives, and counter-sniping is probably the most efficient way to deal with them.
  • character: IJA / IJN: now when equipping any kind of Officer’s Engraved Pistol and/or the Katana alongside the Banzai vest, the Officer model will be shown. You must have both the vest and one of these weapons.
  • character: Carrying a Sniper Rifle as USMC no longer changes the appearance of the player to be a Sniper model; this now requires the Sniper Suit.
  • game: when advancing to the next map, the US commander will now refer to the enemy faction as the “Japanese”, rather than be confused about whether you are fighting the IJA or the IJN.

