《杀戮尖塔 Slay the Spire》中文版百度云迅雷下载v2.2


《杀戮尖塔 Slay the Spire》是一款卡牌游戏,你永远不知道下一秒会给予你什么奖励。你永远活在期待,好奇.的感受当中.游戏有卡牌要素,一次大胆而又不失稳重的创新。(支持简体中文)



  • 动态构建的牌组:谨慎选择你的卡牌!在攀爬高塔的途中邂逅百余张不同的卡牌,选择是否将它们加入你的牌组,通过组合和搭配来让牌组发挥力量,打败敌人、挑战登顶。
  • 不断变化的高塔:每次开始爬塔的旅程时,高塔的构造都会发生变化。是选择高风险高回报,还是谨慎前行?面对不同的敌人、选择不同的卡牌、发现不同的遗物、甚至挑战不同的Boss!
  • 威力强大的遗物:在塔中你将发现名为遗物的各种强大物品,这些遗物可能会与你的牌组产生强大的化学反应,让你的战力得到飞跃。但也不要过于大意,为了获得遗物,有时你所付出的代价,可会超过区区金钱……

操作系统: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
处理器: 2.0 Ghz
内存: 2 GB RAM
显卡: 1Gb Video Memory, capable of OpenGL 3.0+ support (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable)
存储空间: 需要 1 GB 可用空间






重大更新 来自:Slay the Spire 已发布 11月30日周一 Patch V2.2: Happy Holidays!

Patch Notes

Hotfix (11/30/2020)

Fixed crash when playing game in aspect ratios taller than 4:3 (such as 5:4 resolutions like 1280 x 1024).

  • Accuracy card buffed. Damage increased from 3 -> 4.
  • Accuracy+ card buffed. Damage increased from 5 -> 6.
  • Aggregate card buffed. Energy gained every 6 -> 4 cards.
  • Aggregate+ card buffed. Energy gained every 5 -> 3 cards.
  • Blade Dance card buffed. 2 -> 3 shivs.
  • Blade Dance+ card buffed. 3 -> 4 shivs.
  • Bloodletting card buffed. Energy gain increased from 1 -> 2.
  • Bloodletting+ card buffed. Energy gain increased from 2 -> 3.
  • Dramatic Entrance card buffed. Damage increased from 6 -> 8.
  • Dramatic Entrance+ card buffed. Damage increased from 8 -> 12.
  • Eviscerate card buffed. Damage increased from 6 -> 7.
  • Eviscerate+ card buffed. Damage increased from 8 -> 9.
  • Good Instincts card buffed. Block increased from 5 -> 6.
  • Good Instincts+ card buffed. Block increased from 8 -> 9.
  • Hemokinesis card buffed. Damage increased from 14 -> 15.
  • Hemokinesis card buffed. HP loss decreased from 3 -> 2.
  • Hemokinesis+ card buffed. Damage increased from 18 -> 20.
  • Phantasmal Killer card buffed. Cost reduced from 2 -> 1.
  • Phantasmal Killer+ card buffed. Cost reduced from 1 -> 0.
  • Reflex card buffed. Card draw increased from 1 -> 2.
  • Reflex+ card buffed. Card draw increased from 2 -> 3.
  • Reprogram card Focus loss decreased from 2 -> 1.
  • Reprogram+ card changed. Focus loss, Strength, and Dexterity changed from 1 -> 2.
  • Rupture+ card buffed. Strength gain increased from 1 -> 2.
  • Rupture+ card nerfed. Energy cost 0 -> 1.
  • Sadistic Nature card buffed. Damage increased from 3 -> 5.
  • Sadistic Nature+ card buffed. Damage increased from 4 -> 7.
  • Scrape card draws 3 -> 4 cards.
  • Scrape+ card buffed. Damage increased from 9 -> 10.
  • Scrape+ card draws 4 -> 5 cards.
  • Slice card buffed. Damage increased from 5 -> 6.
  • Slice+ card buffed. Damage increased from 8 -> 9.
  • Sneaky Strike card buffed. Damage increased from 10 -> 12.
  • Sneaky Strike+ card buffed. Damage increased from 14 -> 16.
  • Storm of Steel card buffed. Cost lowered from 2 -> 1.
  • Storm of Steel+ card buffed. Cost lowered from 2 -> 1.
  • Swift Strike card buffed. Damage increased from 6 -> 7.
  • Swift Strike+ card buffed. Damage increased from 9 -> 10.


Bug Fixes
  • Bursts can now be Bursted properly.
  • Fixed Dropkick card not glowing under some conditions.
  • Fixed Foreign Influence card messing up card rewards by affecting the seed.
  • Fixed Grand Finale card not glowing under some conditions.
  • Fixed Heel Hook card not glowing under some conditions.
  • Fixed issue where the line below scores were always rendered (instead of fading in).
  • Fixed issue where Watcher couldn’t receive Stuffed or Well Fed bonus scores.
  • Fixed No Block power allowing players to gain Block with Dexterity.
  • Fixed Sneaky Strike card not glowing under some conditions.
  • Fixed Spirit Shield’s Block value not changing under some conditions.
  • Keys for the final act could be skipped if you proceed extremely fast.


UI and Effects
  • Increased line spacing in events when bigger text mode is on.
  • Main menu panel buttons now have a wider space for bigger and localized text to fit.
  • Adjusted various fonts to improve legibility.


  • Merged and adjusted fonts to improve performance and memory usage.
  • When closing a Single Card popup or Single Relic popup, the font texture is cleared to save memory.
  • When closing the Leaderboard screen, the font texture is cleared to save memory.
  • Some code cleanup/sharing for death and victory screens.


  • Updates for DEU, EPO, FRA, JPN, POL, SPA, TUR, VIE.

