《刑罚 Infliction》中文版百度云迅雷下载v3.0加长剪辑版


《刑罚 Infliction》是一款互动式心理恐怖游戏,在一个看上去很正常的郊区住宅中,对潜伏其中的黑暗进行一次可怕的探索。徘徊游荡在一个曾经幸福美满的家庭的废墟里,通过阅读信件和日记、听取语音邮件和拼凑线索,来了解这些引导你来到这里的可怕事件。




操作系统: 操作系统:64位,Windows 7及更高版本
处理器: 处理器:英特尔®i5-4590/ AMD FX 8350等效或更高
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: 显卡:Nvidia GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7870
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 6200 MB 可用空间
附注事项: 附加说明:使用最低系统要求作为最低设置,可以使Inflcition在一个可接受的帧率运行。






重大更新 来自:Infliction 已发布 10月22日周四 Major update 3.0 – Infliction: Extended Cut

This has been a long time coming. I’m happy to announce Infliction update 3.0, Infliction: Extended Cut. This is a large update with several fundamental changes to the game to make it more optimised and provide a smoother player experience. In addition to optimisations and bug fixes, there is additional content and New Game Plus! Many of you know, Infliction: Extended Cut made its way to PS4, XboxOne and Nintendo Switch earlier this year thanks to the help and support of the talented team at Blowfish Studios. This update brings those additions and changes to the PC version.

Also, this update introduces Traditional Chinese as a new language.

Without further ado, Infliction update 3.0 contains:


  • New Sound effects and VO
  • New Models & Textures
  • A short extension to a couple of environments
  • Added New Game Plus which is unlocked once you finish the game
  • Additional unlockable bonus upon finishing New Game Plus offering more story/lore
  • Added a playable mid credits sequence with multiple outcomes showing nods to Inflictions inspirations
  • Asynchronous loading of levels means we now have animated loading screens
  • A new respawn system has been introduced. This means when you die but are remaining in the same level, you will spawn back in where you normally would and some parts of the level will reset. This eliminates load screens which will now only show if the player has made progress to a new level
  • Added the ability to change antialiasing methods
  • Added the ability to disable Dynamic Depth of Field as its own option
  • Added finer controls of interactable elements while using gamepad
  • Added a new language: Traditional Chinese

New Game Plus:

  • The ghost is now present in all levels
  • You will have the camera in all levels
  • New clues and messages have been added
  • Many puzzles have been remixed and changed
  • Some new puzzles are introduced
  • The ghost spawns faster and moves faster
  • There are no working lights to combat the ghost
  • A previously cut/locked section of the hospital level has been re-opened
  • Crave is a little more active
  • Additional ending (post credits)
  • Additional content in bonus level (after completion)

General Changes:

  • The credits are now scrolling text in real time rather than a video
  • Removed the hard difficulty, this is replaced with New Game Plus
  • Moved language selection from the pause menu to the title screen
  • With the updating of Unreal Engine, the Depth of Field effects had to be updated to a new method
  • Increased the maximum mouse/controller sensitivity
  • Pause menu now uses the right face button (Xbox B Button) to back out when using a controller
  • Added new prompts to the HUD when examining an object

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed some sound effects using incorrect sound classes which would cause them to play even if that class was muted
  • Fixed a bug where a photo puzzle involving a key could be manipulated to result in an undesirable outcome
  • Fixed a few instances of instability that could lead to crashes
  • Fixed menus to work correctly with controllers
  • Fixed an instance where the player could crouch through a gap in the collision entering a secret room
  • Fixed a bug where the player could knock over the bike in the opening level and ride it like a surfboard glitching physics simulation and leave the play space to explore the neighbourhood (Sounds cool right! Well, its gone now)
  • Multiple controller fixes (too numerous to list, mostly with menu navigation)
  • Restricted looking angles in the Y axis so you can no longer see the top of your own head
  • Fixed a bug where setting the shadows to the lowest setting would also disable fog
  • Fixed a bug where inventory items were not correctly displayed
  • Fixed a bug where getting all the memories in a specific order could lock you out of the first achievement
  • Fixed a bug that could cause graphical glitches with some hardware by removing some displacement materials
  • Fixed instances of missing materials, specifically book covers
  • Fixed a few typos
  • Fixed some of the instruction shown on the HUD when examining objects
  • Fixed a bug where the player could interact with a door keypad from the wrong side of the door
  • Fixed an issue where loading screen would come up too slowly on slower hardware failing to hide the loaded state of the level
  • Fixed an instance where the ghost could kill the player through a wall
  • Fixed a bug where a number was being displayed incorrectly in Japanese
  • Fixed a bug where audio volume options were not working as intended
  • Fixed a bug where the TV audio could be heard while the TV was off
  • Fixed a bug where water effects from the shower would remain on screen
  • Fixed a bug where fullscreen mode would sometimes run in windowed fullscreen mode


  • Refactored code to change the way the player controller interacts with everything. This results in fewer references to direct objects for a small memory gain
  • Resized some textures in game by hand to eliminate unnecessarily large textures. This frees up to 1GB of memory in some places optimising the game to run and look much better on lower end hardware
  • Saving files have been streamlined (Your progress and unlocked memories will be brought across from the old save system, options will be reset)
  • The game now uses level streaming which cuts down on load times significantly on older machines
  • Suspended cloth simulation on assets that are not currently being rendered for a significant CPU performance increase from a particular part of the game onwards
  • Optimised AI for a minor CPU performance increase
  • Optimised sounds to use less memory
  • Optimised some screen effects to make the game more stable
  • Increased framerate in particular levels through optimisation of code

Store page:

  • Added traditional Chinese store page
  • Updated store page description to reflect new content
  • Updated all branding of Infliction to Infliction: Extended Cut
  • Added a new trailer to Steam page
  • Added new screenshots to Steam page

Thank you so much for your continued support. As always there will be a bug thread dedicated to this update in case you find anything I should look at. Have a blast playing the new and improved Infliction: Extended Cut and I hope you enjoy the update.

-Clinton 《刑罚 Infliction》中文版百度云迅雷下载v3.0加长剪辑版

