《宇宙主义 The Universim》中文版测试版百度云迅雷下载v0.0.44.34025


《宇宙主义 The Universim》是一款画风清新舒適的“上帝扮演”类模擬经营游戏,玩家在游戏中扮演的是无所不能的造物主,使用自己的能力间接的指引星球上小人们的发展,指引他们从最初的蛮荒时代一步步过渡到文明时期。。游戏整体难度十分平和,几乎没有挫折感,一款不错的休閒游戏。



如果您愿意花时间研究Nuggets的话,您会发现他们就像自然界生活的人类一样。他们有自己的想法和需求 – 甚至时常能够做出自己的决定。 我们致力于给您一种与有生命的有机体交互的体验,几乎就像您在插手一个混乱的蚂蚁农场一样。
The Universim的星球不仅仅是一些放置物体的组合体;万物相互关联,在每一个星球生态中均起其到独一无二的角色。砍倒的每一棵树,开采的每一种资源,捕获的每一只动物都会对他们所居住的星球产一定的生影响。缺少森林,高度污染将会渐渐引起全球变暖,无节制地打猎和捕鱼则会引起一些物种的灭绝。您的任务是决定这些Nuggets如何搜集和使用各种资源。千万年前,您将会在这样的生态系统中留下怎样的印记?您会用尽一切资源以前所未有的速度极力扩张?还是有方法可持续地发展您的文明体?
在 The Universim 游戏里,大自然光怪陆离且变幻莫测。每一个星球都有一些足够挑战您文明的小惊喜,比如席卷一切的龙卷风, 能够将您文明体一分为二的大地震。如果您对大自然不加以善待,她会让您知道大自然是多么的残酷与不可原谅!您所遇到的每一个星球都有神秘莫测、独一无二的特色,有些宁静祥和、资源丰富,而另一些却贫瘠不堪、危机丛生。小心点!

操作系统: Windows 7 64 bit or Higher
处理器: 2.6 Ghz – 4 Cores Mid Range CPU or Higher
内存: 6 GB RAM
图形: GTX 780 | RX 290 or Higher
存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
声卡: Duh!
操作系统: Windows 7 64 bit or Higher
处理器: 3.0 Ghz – 8 Cores or Higher
内存: 16 GB RAM
图形: GTX 1050 Ti | RX390 or Higher
存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
声卡: Duh!






定期更新 来自:The Universim 已发布 10月15日周四 Good Weather Patch V0.1.44 Is Now Live!

Hello Creators,


We hope you’ve had fun watching your Nuggets truck along the roads and are ready to play with a new bunch of features. Plus a bunch of bugs was hunted down and squished. Our developers worked really hard to deliver the most stable and fun version of The Universim yet.

Below are some key features that were added or improved in the game. As usual, we ask you to leave us a review on Steam if you enjoy what we do. We have really exciting stuff coming your way very, very soon.

Alrighty, let’s get to it:

New Main Menu Screen

The entire Main Menu and Settings were redesigned and improved. Now it’s more clear and hopefully easier to navigate. We will continue improving your user experience as we develop, but at the same time let us know on a discord if there is something missing from our settings.

Game Customization Screen

Natural Disasters

You’ve been asking us to add the ability to play without natural disasters for a while and it’s finally here! Now you can choose how often you’ll have them. You can set it to “Never,” which pretty much means what it says – disasters will never happen on your planet. You can keep it on “Occasional” – this is what we recommend for a balanced experience, or Often – for the players who like it extra spicy.

Wild Animals Attacks

On top of choosing the frequency of the disasters, you can also choose how often Wild animals attack your village. It can also be Often, Occasional or set to Never happen.

Exile Attacks

And finally, you can also tweak Exile attacks with similar parameters.

We know you wanted these options for a while and we spent a good amount of time making the game fun and engaging no matter what you chose. We hope you’ll love it and of course we’re open for feedback. Let us know on discord.

Nugget Traits

We know a good number of you play The Universim a lot, replaying it over and over and over. To help you keep things fresh, we’re adding the ability for you to customize your Nuggets’ skin tones along with starting Nugget Traits. These Traits will alter your gameplay, check out what our internal QA Team had to say about them:

True Believer: This is an easy mode trait. This trait brings in a lot of extra CP when starting a new game. This can help the player in many different areas. The downside is that there will be more UFOs that can steal Nuggets away.

Arnold: A fun Easy Mode trait. It allows things to be delivered faster which speeds up the early part of the game. However, they also eat a lot of food and tire easily.

Matenator: A very fun trait. Also easy mode. This also speeds up the early part of the game by greatly increasing population for a few generations until it breeds/dies out. This is a great trait for those players who struggle with population early in the game. The downside is that these Nuggets will die from exhaustion before their time, and they also eat a lot of food!

Fugitive: Fun and Easy mode trait as Nuggets move fast for a few generations. However, Nuggets may steal some of your resources!

Nugg Norris: This is a hard mode trait. Nuggets start off very strong, and they can build things very fast. However, Nuggets severely damage other Nuggets for a few generations. This can cause many injuries and death. So be careful!

Greenlander: At a glance, this trait may seem easy to play, but it is not. While these Nuggets will create trees, they have shorter lifespans and consume a lot of water.

Highlander: This is an easy/normal mode trait as it boosts the population early in the game. It’s REALLY fun when Elderly mating is active and all the old Highlander’s breed. However, if one gets infected, it can RAPIDLY spread. The player must be vigilant to keep any potential infections from starting or spreading.

Coffin Dodger: This is the hardest trait in the game to play. Once zombies start to spread, it can be an incredible challenge to bring them under control and may burn a lot of CP. This is recommended for more hardcore players.

Each Trait will need to be unlocked by playing the game.

We will continue reviewing Traits, and potentially adding new ones, if you guys will like ‘em. Please let us know on our Discord if you have any ideas what Traits we can add or change in the future.


Overpacked Quest


An enterprising Nugget wants your help to open his business. In order to do so, you need to place a Couriers hut and deliver the boxes to appropriate mailboxes.

Sitting On Powder Quest

Nuggets may not have arms, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be armed. One Nugget who is Pro Gun is asking for you to help elect the Pro Gun candidate.

Improvements and balance changes

Merge of Wells and Reservoirs

Wells and Reservoirs are now merged into a single building. Previously, having two buildings would often confuse everyone. Since both buildings’ functionality is to preserve water, one building provided water purely for the buildings, while wells provided water only for Nuggets. We decided to simplify that aspect of the game and merged those two buildings into one. Now the well part of the building will take water from the reservoir that is being filled with water pumps.

Perk Finder

With each patch, the amount of perks was only increasing, and it got to the point where it was a chore to find it in the research tree. This is why we decided to add some extra help that allows a player to find and identify the needed perk. Each perk description now has a small eye icon next to the Perk Requirement. Clicking on that eye will bring you to the required perk.

Improved trait / skin color inheritance

Due to the addition of the customization screen before the game starts, we also reviewed how our traits and skin color were passed on, and we decided to improve that aspect of the game as well. Previously, your Nuggets would get the trait from their parents no matter what, and therefore, your civilization was always limited to a certain amount of traits. The current system provides a high chance of passing one of the parent’s traits, but it also has a chance to generate a new one or be left out without a trait.

Skin color of the Nuggets, similar to traits, was passed down based on the parents color skin. It was either from a father or a mother. We added some changes to the system, and now it will take a middle color between two colors of your parents. This way their kids can have slightly different shades of the colors based on their parents skin color.

Street lights Simulation

Previously, all street lights located on the modern roads were turned on all at once when night time was falling. It created an illusion of a lightbulb that would turn on immediately when you flip a switch. It was breaking the immersion of the game and didn’t feel right. We added some randomization to it. Now certain lights might flikker on while others will turn on after a short delay.

Fish respawn in the lakes

To our surprise, this was one of the most asked for features to be added to the game. When the lake/ocean would dry out, all the fish would be destroyed and never replenished. This was causing a lot of players to constantly build and destroy their fishing piers. With the new system, the fish will regenerate back to its original state based on the amount of water in the lake. So if the lake does not have water, there won’t be any fish, but as you add more and more water, the fish will start regenerating slowly, and based on the amount of water the regeneration, speed will be increased.

Construction pause button

This is another request that was asked for on multiple occasions. Sometimes, when a lot of buildings are placed all at once, Nuggets will do their best to build all the buildings in order they were placed. But if there were not enough resources for the first placed building, they would try to deliver resources that they have to other buildings. In some situations this caused a pretty long delay for that first building. The Pause button allows you to stop the construction, and any delivery of the resources. Now Nuggets will concentrate on the other buildings that are being constructed first.

Save Game option

The Save Game option was added to the ESC menu. It will be available immediately after the epicenter is placed. A lot of players, who were not familiar with the game, were struggling with our unique saving system. Quite often, it led to frustration and confusion. We reviewed that system and added a save game option to the ESC menu. The Archive is still being used to autosave the game, but you no longer need to place it in order to save the game.

Continue button was added to the Main Menu

You’ll now find a new continue button that allows you to continue from your last saved game, getting players back to their game faster.

Save Filters

Buildings Menu and Nuggets Menu will save the filters now for 5 minutes before being reset to default settings. Previously, opening one of those windows, selecting certain filters, and then closing it would reset all the filters immediately and you had to go through this whole process once again. Not any more.

UI Scaling & Saving Settings

While completely reworking the settings screen, we also went through our current settings and made sure that they are all working properly. Besides that, we also tested our UI scaling on very high and low resolutions and adjusted our UI to work correctly.

Improved Nuggets speed on the road

Roads will provide an additional speed to Nuggets which will allow your Nuggets to zip around your sprawling world and transport materials more quickly.

Improved Couriers and General Transportation AI

We reviewed the efficiency of our Nuggets delivering resources to their destination and found some aspects that needed to be improved. Couriers and Nuggets that transport resources will choose the most efficient route to deliver resources to the destination based on a score system that evaluates distance, the amount of Nuggets that are delivering those resources as well as other Nugget needs.

Improved Engineers AI

With additions of the roads, instead of helping our engineer Nuggets, it actually increased the travel time for them due to incorrect building prioritization by engineers. We reviewed & improved AI in order to make sure that they will always select the most efficient path to the buildings, and they will make a better decision on which building they should be fixing next based on the distance, building health, and their needs.

Option to disable camera shake

Out settings received an additional setting for people who have motion sickness. Now you will be able to turn off camera shake when you bump into the buildings or when any explosions or rumblings are happening in the game.

Additional Improvements

-Construction supporters are limited to 10
-Nuggets will be removed from the buildings if it is being turned off manually by the player
-If crop is not selected, farm will display an icon above it
-Nuggets drink twice as fast as before
-Сars and Roads appear at the same time after industrialization perk is researched
-Building Boundary Changes
We heard you say that buildings were spread too far apart – especially on the shorelines. Pumps and Fishing Huts can now be placed much closer together. Regular buildings had the needed space between them reduced by 50%. This will also allow you to build a bit closer to roads as well.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed: The roads were not showing up properly for hardware supported mac users.
  • Fixed: Dead Nugget quest did not trigger a second part of the quest which led to the quest failure.
  • Fixed: Le Cupidon would cause connection lines between Nuggets to stay on the screen.
  • Fixed: Nuggets in some cases would not select the best and optimal way to reach a resource
  • Fixed: The game had a chance to crash if it was saved and loaded while buildings and ground were on fire.
  • Fixed: Road would not be correctly built based on evolution tower placement
  • Fixed: In some cases Crytivo Club on the main screen would not show up
  • Fixed: Rename a Nugget quest could have been completed by utilizing Nuggets found in the space box
  • Fixed: Nuggets sometimes would repeatedly reenter the road
  • Fixed: Construction site supporters would not show up immediately when assigned to the construction site
  • Fixed: Building area radius would blink when clicked at night time
  • Fixed: Random Nuggets and hunters were getting stuck on the roads
  • Fixed: Building ghosters would not scale correctly on certain resolutions
  • Fixed: Multiple issues with culling system that would remove parts of the world objects from the screen
  • Fixed: Nugget would get stuck if a building was shut off while he was heading to it
  • Fixed: Added the correct Blizzard sound
  • Fixed: Camera sometimes would flip over when “Fly To” button was clicked in order to move to an important location
  • Fixed: Creator powers would not work consistently during pause menu
  • Fixed: Nuggets’ tooltip staying up on a screen from the Nugget panel
  • Fixed: Graveyards would keep slots reserved even after the grave disappeared, preventing new Nuggets to be added to the graveyard
  • Fixed: Unable to cancel archive while it is being constructed
  • Fixed: Quest icons did not show up consistently on the game load
  • Fixed: Nuggets would proceed going to the hospital despite being healed before reaching it
  • Fixed: Exile Airport had a status icon that indicated no water or electricity
  • Fixed: Exile village orators and priest were constantly adding a negative effect which was breaking the game after some time
  • Fixed: Incorrect Archive Icon
  • Fixed: Pre-Medieval warehouse was missing the storage space for the glass
  • Fixed: Firefighters modern building was unlockable without unlocking prior age building
  • Fixed: Grass was not appearing in the game
  • Fixed: Incorrect windows sporting while being in the construction menu
  • Fixed: Connect Button to twitch would not always be clickable
  • Fixed: Twitch Connection Issues
  • Fixed: Drinking water in wells carries over between upgrades
  • Fixed: Incorrect name handling during Twitch Integration
  • Fixed: Nugget kids were able to wonder underground in some cases
  • Fixed: Icon filter in the Nuggets menu


UI and Art
  • Completely redesigned Main Menu
  • Completely redesigned Settings Menu
  • New Nugget customization screen that includes Nuggets Skin Color Tone Picker and disaster frequencies selections toggles.
  • Unique Nugget Traits perks design
  • Redesigned and merged water well with water reservoir UI Panel
  • New – Farm No Crop Selected Icon
  • Redesigned and Merged Water Well and Water Reservoir 3D models for Stone Age, Medieval and Modern Ages

Thank you all for being awesome. We’re working really hard on a Space Age, and soonish we’ll have an exciting announcement. Again, leave a review on steam to boost our Devs morale and help them output the best results, like ever!

Make sure to follow us on Twitter!
All the best,

The Crytivo Crew

