《红警/命令与征服:重制版 Command and Conquer:Remastered》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.153.11.19704


《命令与征服:重制版 Command and Conquer:Remastered》是一款《命令与征服》和《红色警戒》在 25 年前定义了即时战略游戏类型,如今由 Petroglyph Games 中的前 Westwood 工作室成员进行了4K的重制。包含所有3个资料片、重新构建的多人游戏、现代化的 UI、地图编辑器、额外未发布过的花絮片段和 Frank Klepacki 创作的超过 7 小时的传奇音乐重制。欢迎回来,指挥官。


图形切换 — 单人游戏时,可以在经典版和重制的 4k 版图形之间实时切换。
花絮集锦 — 包含超过四小时的幕后花絮镜头、制作特辑照片和未发布的配乐曲目。
音乐 — 尽情欣赏超过七小时的重制音乐,其中包括由原创作曲家 Frank Klepacki和 Tiberian Sons 重新录制的 20 条曲目。
支持Mod — 在Steam创意工坊中创造、分享和使用mod进行游戏。
影片 — 沉浸在数小时全面提升的全动态视频。
增强的侧边栏UI — 经过全新重新设计的侧栏界面,用更少的滚动条迎来更现代的操作。
点唱机 — 通过增强的且支持播放列表的点唱机,自定义你的完整曲目。自定义游戏大厅 — 主持和加入自定义游戏大厅,设置游戏规则、队伍和地图。
提升段位 — 前往 1 对 1 快速游戏,在排行榜上奋战至巅峰。
观看所有行动 — 使用回放和观战模式,不会错过所有的战斗。
从主机到PC — 即刻在 PC 上体验原版主机任务。
主机影片 — 即刻可在 PC 上观看原版主机过场视频,包含玩家社区喜爱的卡维尔将军。
地图 — 在 Origin 和 Steam 版本中都可以使用地图编辑器来控制地形。
任务选择 — 在新的任务选择界面上追踪您的战役进度。
镜头缩放 — 在传统 DOS 和黄金距离之间缩放视角,从更好的角度观察战场。
自定义快捷键 — 游戏内快捷键自定义,现已支持全新侧边栏界面。
EVA — 你的战斗界面听起来比以往更棒!原版的配音演员 Kia Huntzinger 重新担任 EVA 的配音,并将她在《泰伯利亚的黎明》中的台词重新进行高清版录制。
控制移动 — 体验更新的鼠标控制、视角移动、单位排队和选择界面的改进。
超过 100 个战役任务
超过 250 张多人游戏地图
Steam 版本包含:
Steam 成就
Steam 好友列表
Steam 集换式卡牌
支持 Steam 创意工坊的用户地图

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 8.1/10 (64-bit Version)
处理器: Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 @ 2.4ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400 @ 2.4ghz
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GT 420 or ATI Radeon HD 5570
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 32 GB 可用空间
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 8.1/10 (64-bit Version)
处理器: Intel Core i5 4690K or AMD Ryzen 7 1700
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or ATI Radeon HD 7850
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 32 GB 可用空间
附注事项: 硬盘空间:32 GB(固态硬盘)





重大更新 来自:《命令与征服™:重制版》 已发布 8月7日周五 New Game Update for C&C Remastered Collection

Fellow Command & Conquer fans,

Today we’ll be launching our second major update for the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection.
As I’ve been sharing with you over the past month via our Beta Patch updates, this Patch focuses on the following items:

  1. LAN Play
  2. Balance adjustments to address several key issues
  3. Incorporating community maps as official Quickmatch maps
  4. Dozens of QoL improvements and bug fixes across the board
  5. Upcoming Quickmatch leaderboard reset

Note: the Quickmatch changes will likely go into effect a few hours after the Patch goes live. But before we get too deep into the detailed list, let me provide context on each of the key items in this patch.

LAN Play:

As requested by the community over the course of the project, this update includes our official implementation of LAN Play. LAN Play allows players to enjoy Mod content in multiplayer, and should be an evergreen way to enjoy multiplayer far into the future. We did our best to test this feature amongst the Covid situation during development, along with attempting to get feedback from the community via Beta patches. But given the variety of ways people could play over VPN and with Mods, we expect there still to be some quirks in the system. Please continue to provide feedback so we can make any refinements going forward.

Balance Adjustments:

Over the past several weeks we’ve been collaborating with the community to tackle a few key balance items in the game. To see further context for these adjustments and read the full community discussion, please refer to my previous post here.

Community Maps:

A few weeks ago we announced the initiative of incorporating community made content into the actual game update so they can be officially utilized in Multiplayer and Quickmatch. We have decided to keep the first batch of Community maps as revealed, but have also made a few adjustments of the previous maps based on community feedback. The full details of these maps can be seen in the patch notes below.

Quickmatch Leaderboard Reset:

As mentioned in my previous post, we are getting ready to reset the Quickmatch ladder to get a fresh start on all these Quickmatch changes. This reset will likely happen in the next 48 hours if the patch launch here goes smoothly. In addition, one new feature of this patch is the ability to view the Leaderboard results of previous seasons (which should take a snapshot of the final results of this first season).

However, on this note I wanted to address a key topic with the leaderboard. We’ve seen reports, evidence, and even people admitting about “boosting” their leaderboard rank with alternate accounts. We feel this breaks the ethics of the Quickmatch landscape and undermines the leaderboard system. Being part of the C&C community should be a positive and fair experience for all players. So here’s the deal, we’re going to give a pass on this previous season, but this behavior will not be acceptable after the leaderboard reset. I respectfully ask everyone to please engage in ethical play behavior going forward, and if you are not sure what that means, I think reading our Positive Play Charter is a good place to start.

Mod Compatibility:

I’ll then reiterate this message from our previous Patch Notes. Because this patch includes updates to the TiberianDawn.dll and RedAlert.dll files, it’s likely that some previous mods will no longer be compatible with this updated version of the game. Modders will need to update their mods with the latest code and refresh their mods on the Steam Workshop.

Once a mod has been updated on the Steam Workshop, players will need to follow a few steps to update and reactivate their mods:

  • Disable the mod in the Mods Menu
  • Unsubscribe from the mod in the in-game Workshop Mods menu
  • Quit and restart the game
  • Re-subscribe to the mod via the Workshop Mods menu
  • Activate the mod and restart the game as prompted
  • The updated mod should then work as intended

Players may experience some issues if they try to activate mods which are not updated to the patch version.

